Chapter 11.

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*Kristen's POV*

I listened as Liam's car pulled out of the driveway. I called Lizzy's phone again and this time a deep voice answered the phone.


"Where's my sister at?"  

"Who's your sister?" 

"What do you mean who's my sister? My sister is the owner of this phone you idiot. Now give her the phone right now before I call the cops and have you arrested for kidnapping."  

Sam chuckled coldly.  

"Calm down sweetheart. Lizabeth is right here."  

"Her name is Elizabeth, not Lizabeth. Now let me talk to her."  

I heard Sam yelling at Lizzy to come here. I really hated that guy.  

"Hello?" she said slowly and quietly.  

"Elizabeth Ann Nickels. Why the crap are you with that jerk! And why didn't you answer your own freaking phone? Do you realize how scared I was when you didn't answer and you weren't home?! For all I knew you were dead!!" I went off on her. I was really scared. I hated knowing she was with that jerk.  

"I'm, I'm sorry Krissy. I should have texted you or something. I'll, I'll be home when I can."  

The line went dead and I sighed. I went to the kitchen and decided to make some food. I threw a pizza in the oven and walked back to the living room. There was nothing on TV so I decided to check Twitter. I saw that all the boys had followed me. It was literally a dream come true. I exited out and walked to the dining room. Playing the piano always cleared my head. I looked through my book looking for a good song. I finally stopped when I saw "Wanted" by Hunter Hayes. I had seen him in concert with Rascal Flatts last year. I began playing the song when the oven timer went off. I sighed and went to the kitchen. I pulled out the pizza and cut it up. I heard the front door unlock and saw Lizzy walk in the room. Her eyes were full of tears and her arms were cut and bruised. I gasped and dropped the pizza cutter. I ran over to her and wrapped my arms around her. She started crying and I tried to quiet her. After a few minutes I let go of her and took her to the bathroom. I cleaned and bandaged her arms. I saw she had a cut on her head that looked pretty deep. I knew she would have to get stitches. We walked back down to the dining room and ate our pizza.  

"What happened?" I asked when I finished my pizza.  

"Um. Well," she started.  

"Liz, tell me now," I said. She explained the entire story.  

"I was walking out of school to my car and Sam was there leaning on the hood. I told him he should leave and he refused. I told him I had to go and he just smiled and got up. I got in the car and he got in too. I told him I didn't want to talk to him and he put a gun to my head. He told me to drive to his place or he'd kill me. I was so scared. I drove to his house and when we got there he got out and walked over to my door and pulled me out of the car. He took me inside and beat me. He told me he saw a picture of Niall and me at the ice skating rink and said that I was his and no one could have me. I told him that he was the one the broke up with me and that's when he pushed me and I hit my head on the counter. Then you called and he said that if I told anyone about what had happened he would kill you and Niall. Krissy, I'm so scared!" she cried.  

I walked over to her and pulled her in for a hug. We got in the car and headed to the hospital. Lizzy went back the get her stitches and I filled out some paperwork. I would've visited Becca and Bella but the hours were over. I decided to text Liam and tell him that Lizzy was okay. He texted back and said that they would be busy the next few days so the only time we would be able to see each other was tomorrow. He said he would call me later to set something up. I really did want to see him again. My thoughts were interrupted by Lizzy walking back into the waiting room. The doctor said that she would have to come back in two weeks to get the stitches out and she didn't have to go to school for the next few days. I was relieved. I didn't want her anywhere near Sam. We went back home and Lizzy went straight to bed without another word. It was only 10 so I decided to read a book. We had a huge library upstairs that had tons on books. I decided to read "The Best Of Me" by Nicholas Sparks. I loved his writing. I was half way done with the first chapter when my phone went off. I quickly answered it and heard his soft voice.  

"Hey Liam." 

"Hello, love. What are you doing? I hope I didn't wake you. We've been busy this evening." 

"Oh no. You didn't wake me. I was just reading a book." 

"That's cool. Well I was wondering if you would like to go on a picnic with me tomorrow. I found this cute little lake a few miles up the road. If you're not busy." 

"That sounds great. Can I bring Lizzy too? She's not going to school tomorrow." 

"Of course! I'll tell Niall to come too. We will pick you both up at let's say.. eleven?"

"Sounds great! See you then!"  

"Okay. Sweetdreams Kristen."  

"Goodnight Liam."  

I turned my phone off and got in the shower. I got out, dried and straightened my hair, and went to sleep.


My alarm went off and I looked at the time. It was 8 so I decided to get up. Liam didn't say we had to bring anything but I was going to bring some fresh fruit. I cut up some cantaloupe and watermelon. I also got grapes and strawberries out and put all the fruit in one bowl. I checked the weather and saw the high was in the upper sixties. I walked to my room and grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and a sky blue shirt. The sleeves went down to my elbows. It was almost nine so I went to Lizzy's room and picked her out a pair of skinny jeans and an orange t-shirt. I also grabbed a turquoise jacket to cover up her bruised arms. I got her out of bed and made her get dressed. I told her it was a surprise. I had texted Liam after we hung up and told him to keep it a surprise from Niall. She got dressed and straightened her hair. I finished getting ready and went back downstairs. I grabbed a poptart and sat down. Lizzy joined me and we watched CSI, her favorite show.

At about 10:45, I heard the doorbell ring. I grabbed my purse, sunglasses and the fruit and walked out to meet Liam and Niall. Liam was driving and I sat in the passenger seat with Niall and Liz in the back. We talked about little things until we got to the lake.

We got out of the car and found a nice spot under a huge tree. Niall noticed Lizzy's stitches and asked what happened. She looked at me and I gave her an encouraging nod. She sighed and pulled up her sleeves, showing off her bruises. She also pulled up her shirt showing more bruises which I didn't see last night. She told Niall and Liam about what happened. Niall cursed and walked off. Lizzy looked at Liam and me again before jumping up and running after him.

-Authors Note-

You should really read the book I mentioned in this chapter, "The Best Of Me" I love it. Well I haven't updated in a while. I've had no motivation to do anything. But here it is. I hope you enjoy it. If you like this fanfiction, please vote, comment, fan, and tell your friends. It would mean sooo much to me. But did you see that cute little thing Taylor pulled at the Grammys? Yeah. I thought it was cute. Not! But then she started cheering for Fun. Really? The camera kept going to her too. Okay. This is a long note. Well Byeee.

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