Chapter 8.

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*Liam's POV*

I took her outside and sat her on my lap. She was a mess. She rested her head on my chest and cried. I hummed "Little Things" and "They Don't Know About Us." After about twenty minutes of crying she finally stopped. I looked down at her face and realized she was asleep. She was so cute when she slept. I watched as people went in and out. I watched as an old man pushed this old lady, I'm guessing she was his wife, to the little park area next to the hospital. It was so sweet.

About an hour later Louis, Zayn, and Niall showed up. Harry was still inside. I guess they were doing tests or something, I had forgotten to ask. My only concern was comforting Kristen. Niall saw Kristen asleep and a goofy grin formed on his face. He sat down next to me and just looked at me. To be honest he was freaking me out.  

"So mate," he began, "Is she officially yours now?" I knew he was going to ask that. All three of them waited for me to answer.  

"Well no. She just kinda had a breakdown in there so I carried her, yes Niall, I picked her up and carried her out her, and we sat down. She cried until she fell asleep." Niall really needed to wipe that grin off his face.  

"Where's Harry?" Louis asked. "He told me he met a girl named Becca and I haven't heard from him since."  

I was confused. Did they know about Becca and Harry? I hadn't called them or anything. Why were they here?  

"Why are you guys here?" I asked as I avoided Lou's question. Now they were confused.  

"You texted us?" Zayn said but it sounded more like a question.  

"No I..." I started as I patted my pockets for my phone. Well crap. I let Alex use my phone to search a video on YouTube. He must have put it in his pocket or something. "I never texted you guys. Niall, give me your phone." Niall handed me his phone. I called my number and a female's voice picked up. Definitely not Alex.  

"Hi Niall!" the voice said.  

"Um. It's not Niall. It's Liam. Who is this and why do you have my phone?" I sounded harsh when I said that but oh well.  

"Its Lizzy. I found your phone on the piano. I called Kristen but she didn't answer. Then Becca's mom called me and told me Kristen was at the hospital with you and everyone else so I thought I should tell the boys because I mean. It's a very important time. I mean Harry was in an accident and you were there with him and everything else that was going on. I didn't tell them though. I just said to get to the hospital because you were there." 

She went on and on. After a few seconds I replied. "Okay. Well they are here now so I think I should tell them. Don't call anyone famous or not famous. See you soon." I hung up and faced the boys. This was going to be hard to tell them. I took a deep breathe and explained everything.

*Harry's POV*

I woke up in a white room. Wait. That's not white. It's a pale yellow. Wait. Why am I here? Where is here? Why am I tangled up in cords? What happened? My mind tried to answer all these questions but failed. Last thing I remember was being in a car with a beautiful girl. Her name was Becca I think. What the crap is this thing around my neck? A nurse then walked in.

"Good! You're up!" her voice was so annoying.

"Where am I and why am I here?" I asked. My voice was hoarse and I didn't sound like myself. She then told me how I was in the car with Becca and Bella when a tractor trailer lost control and hit us. The most damage was on Becca's side. She then told me that if Bella was behind her older sister instead of me she would be dead. Becca was in a coma and was probably going to die. The only serious damage I had was a broken neck. Let's just say my jaw was on the ground. How was that fair? A few moments passed as my brain processed this.

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