Chapter 6.

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*Becca's POV*

I hated cancelling on Kristen and Lizzy. I really wanted to meet One Direction too. But my 7 year-old sister got sick. My parents were both working late tonight. Of course. They chose tonight of all nights to work late. I couldn't blame them though. We were barely getting by. I made my sister, Bella, some chicken noodle soup and turned on her favorite show, Jessie. I enjoyed watching the show I just didn't like it as much as she did.

After about 3 episodes, I decided to make some sugar cookies. They were Bella's favorite. I rolled out the dough and put them in the oven. I walked back to the family room where Bella was asleep. Good. The cookies could be a surprise. The oven dinged indicating the cookies were done. I let them cool as I cleaned up the kitchen. I searched the cabinets for some frosting. Bella loved frosting on her sugar cookies. I found one can in the very back of the cabinet. I frosted the cookies and cleaned up my mess. It was around 5 when I got a message from Kristen. I was sure I had texted her earlier saying I couldn't make it. I checked my phone and it said the message wasn't able to send. Great. I texted her back and apologized. I heard footsteps behind me and I quickly turned around to see a sleepy looking Bella trying to see what I was doing.  

"You can't see what I'm doing! It's a surprise!" I exclaimed as I covered her eyes.  

"I smell cookies. Please let me have a cookie," she wined trying to remove my hand from her eyes.  

"Not yet. I'm not finished. Go back to the family room and watch another episode of Jessie."  

I covered her up and turned on Jessie. I walked back to the kitchen. The cookies looked plain. I searched the cabinet for some decorating icing but I couldn't find any. I did find sprinkles though. They would work just fine. I covered the cookies in sprinkles and spelled out the words "Get Well Soon Bella!" I knew she would love it.

"Hey Bella, come here!" I said when I was finished with cleaning up the kitchen. She quickly ran in the kitchen and stopped when she ran in to me.

"You made these for me?" she asked.

"Yep. And you can have one after I take a picture." I took a picture of my masterpiece and posted it to every social network I had. Bella had already had three cookies after I was done uploading.

"Slow down Cookie Monster," I laughed.  

We watched Another Cinderella Story. Bella fell asleep half way through but I wanted to finish watching it. I loved Selena Gomez. She was so pretty and talented.

When the movie ended, I carried Bella to her room. It was only 8 but I knew she would sleep until tomorrow morning. I went to my room and sat on my bed. I pulled out my phone and turned some music on. I grabbed my laptop and logged on to Twitter. I saw a picture of Kristen and Lizzy getting ready to go skating. She posted it a few hours ago. I wonder if they are having fun. Of course they are. They are hanging out with One Direction for crying out loud! I logged out and got on Facebook. I already had 20 likes on my picture of the cookies. I scrolled through my newsfeed and saw that Sam added a picture of him and some other chick. I was friends with Sam's older brother Matthew so that's how I knew Sam. But I thought he was with Lizzy. Why is he hanging out with this chick? I went to Lizzy's page and saw she had changed her relationship status to single. Hmm. He sure moved on quickly. I knew he was trouble when I first met him. Did I just quote Taylor Swift? Oh well. I shut off my laptop and got on instagram.

It was around 10 when I saw Lizzy post a picture of herself with the caption "Finally home. Had an amazing night. :)" I'm glad she had fun after her break up with Sam. She really did love him. She would talk about him like he was the king of the world or something.

I was done with instagram so I exited out and decided to play Temple Run. I was seriously bored. I wasn't tired though so I tried to beat my high score. I failed and looked at the clock. It was 11 so I decided I should try to get some sleep.


I woke up when I felt someone crawl into my bed. I was a very light sleeper. I rolled over and saw Bella staring at me.

"Good morning Cookie Monster," I said as I tickled her. She giggled.

"What are we doing today?" she asked.

"Are you feeling better? If so, we can do whatever you want," I watched a a huge grin spread across her face. Her blue eyes sparkled. I could tell I would soon regret telling her we could do whatever she wanted.

"I WANNA GO TO BUILD-A-BEAR WORKSHOP AND THEN TO CHUCKIE CHEESE!" she screamed. Yep. I was gonna regret this.

"Okay fine. Go get ready and I'll make breakfast. Then we will go."

"Okayyyyy!" she yelled as she ran out of my room.

I decided to make waffles. It was simple and I loved waffles. I sat Bella's on a plate and placed it at the bar. I walked back upstairs to my room and got dressed. I decided to go simple today- Jeans, American eagle shirt, and tennis shoes. I also was too lazy to fix my hair so I just pulled it up. I knew Bella was waiting on me. I walked downstairs and stuffed my waffles in my mouth. I wrote a note saying "I'm taking Bella out for a few hours. Be home later. Love you!" and placed it on the counter. I grabbed my keys, purse, and a light jacket and Bella and I walked out the door.


We arrived at Build-A-Bear Workshop at around 10. Right when they opened. Bella picked out a bear with rainbows on it and named her "Annie". She had about 3 other bears with similar names. I didn't understand her at times. After I paid, we walked out of the store. I was putting my change in my wallet when I heard Bella gasp.

"What's wrong?" I asked without looking up.

"Harry Styles from One Direction is looking at you!" she squealed.

"Where is he?" I asked as I was looking around.

"In line at Starbucks," she said as she pointed to the curly haired cutie. He noticed me staring at him and gave a cheeky grin. He then waved and started walking towards us. I was frozen as I watched him walk around the tables and make his way to us.

"Hello there," he said as he got closer. I could clearly see his dimples. He was so much cuter in person. 

"Hi. I'm Bella. This is my big sister Becca," Bella said before I could say anything.  

"Nice to meet you guy,." He said as he grinned again.  

"Becca is like obsessed with you. The only music on her phone is One Direction. And you should she her room. She even has One Direction PJs." She wasn't lying. I did have all those things. I just didn't want Harry Styles to know that.  

"Awh. That's cute. I would love to get to know you ladies," His smile was so perfect.  

"We're heading to Chuckie Cheeses now. Wanna come?" Bella quickly asked.  

"Now Bella, I'm sure Harry is very busy," I told her.  

"Actually I'm not. I'm quite bored. I would love to tag along if that's okay with you," He said. How could I tell him no?  

"Sure. Do you need a ride?" I asked.  

"Um yeah. I rode in a taxi to get here." 

"Okay. Let's go," I grabbed Bella's free hand and walked out of the mall with Harry Styles, from One Direction. I was gonna have to thank Bella later for wanting to come to the mall today. We all got into my car and were on our way to Chuckie Cheeses. It was gonna be a great day.

-Authors Note-

This chapter was mainly about Becca because she's based off my best friend Payge. And Becca wasn't in the last chapter. So yeah. Payge begged me to update it so here it is. I hope you're happy Payge. :)

They Don't Know About Us. (Liam Payne Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin