Chapter 21.

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*Kristen's POV*

Liam and I were sitting on the couch waiting for everyone to show up. The movie had ended so we were just sitting there talking. About 30 minutes after they were supposed to show up, we heard banging on the front door and heard it open.

"Honey! I'm home!" Louis screamed, holding the note. He ran inside and sat between Liam and me. Eleanor soon followed.

"Lou! You're smashing them!" she scolded grabbing his arm and pulling him off us.

"Thanks El," I smiled. Zayn and Perrie were already sitting down and Niall and Harry were no where to be found. A few minutes passed so I decided to ask.

"Niall wanted food so Harry took him to Nando's I think," Perrie smiled. Her smile was so pretty.

"Did someone ask about me?" Harry walked in, giving me a cheeky grin. He took a seat next to Zayn and Perrie. Louis and Eleanor were on the floor in front of Liam and I.

"I've got food!" Niall said walking in and sitting next to me. He placed the plastic bag on the coffee table and pulled out the take out containers. He passed the Chinese food around but everyone denied. "Fine. More for me," he said before biting into an egg roll.

It took us half an hour to choose what movie we wanted to watch. We decided on The Lucky One. It was one of my favorites. We put the movie in and we all got comfortable. Niall had finished his food and was cuddling with a pillow. Harry was on his phone texting. I stood up and walked over to him. I snatched his phone and saw he was texting Becca. I really needed to call her. I missed her a lot.

"Give me that back!" Harry exclaimed.

"Hmmm. Well, you're texting MY best friend and I think I should read what's going on between you two," I smiled while walking back to Liam. Harry stood up and plopped down on my lap. "Harryyyy! Get. Off. Of. Me. Can't breathe," I stated while pushing him off. He took his phone back before I could read any messages and walked back over to the couch. I sighed and snuggled up next to Liam as the movie started.


5 hours and 3 movies later, everyone was asleep except Louis and me. We were sitting there talking about everything. I was closest with Lou. I didn't know why but he was so easy to talk to. He was like my brother. We stopped talking and listened to the others snoring. I was wide awake and I had a feeling Louis was too.

"Wanna play a prank?" I asked looking in his direction.

"You read my mind," he smiled. We both carefully got up and walked to the kitchen to discuss our plan.

Louis opened the door and slammed it back before falling to the ground. I dropped the books I was holding and fell down next to him. We both screamed in pain before "dying". I heard everyone jump up and someone scream. I felt someone's arms around me and holding me to their chest. I immediately recognized Liam's cologne.

"Kristen! Kristen! You're going to be okay. Kristen wake up!" he pleaded. I heard Eleanor freaking out about Louis. "

Where's my phone?! I can't find it!" Harry screamed. That was part two. That way they couldn't call the police. I opened my eyes and saw Liam crying.

"Awh. You would cry if I died?" I said placing my hand on his cheek. Everyone's eyes looked at me and I smiled.

"I'm alive and well!" Louis cheered. Eleanor smacked him.

"Don't ever do that to me again!" They then engaged in a hot makeout session. Everyone rolled their eyes and walked back to the living room. Liam gave me a death stare.

They Don't Know About Us. (Liam Payne Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora