Chapter 18.

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*9 months later*

"I wish I could be there for your birthday!" Liam said as we talked on the phone.

It was May 31 and my birthday was the following day. I couldn't believe we had achieved having a long distance relationship. I usually saw him every three weeks. We didn't waste the time we saw each other either. Once we were together, we were inseparable. In most long distance relationships, the love fades away, but in Liam and my relationship, we had actually grown stronger. Liam and I continued talking until after midnight, which was like 5 in the morning in London. I had told him to go to bed but he insisted on talking until I was tired. I finally told him goodnight and went to sleep.


I woke up to four pairs of eyes. I saw those chocolate brown eyes that I had missed so much.

"Liam!" I screamed as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I heard him chuckle before wrapping his arms around me.

"Happy Birthday, beautiful," he said before pressing his lips to mine. I had missed seeing him in person. They were busy on tour so I hadn't seen him in almost 2 months.

"Wait! When did you get here?" I asked as we walked downstairs to eat some breakfast.

"Yesterday," he said before pulling my chair out.

"And you didn't come over last night?" I said as I took a bite of French toast.

"I wanted to surprise you. Surprise!" he said while shaking his hands in the air. I laughed as we continued eating.

We plopped down on the couch after breakfast and talked. It was nice being in his arms again.

"You're going to love your birthday present," Liam whispered, only loud enough for us to hear. Dad was watching a football game while Mom was baking a cake. Lizzy had gone to the mall with a friend. Her and Niall hadn't achieved a long distance relationship. She was too busy with school and everything so they called it quits a few months ago. She had also found out he was sleeping with another girl. But, she couldn't be mad at him because I knew she was kissing some boys at school. So they just forgot everything between them. Harry and Becca hadn't become a thing. They talked occasionally but nothing more.

"Go get dressed. I'm going to take you out," he continued. I agreed and walked upstairs.

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon. I put on a pair of denim shorts and an orange tank top. I threw my hair into a ponytail and slipped on a pair of flip flops. I grabbed my sunglasses, purse, and keys before going back downstairs. I told my parents goodbye and tossed my keys to Liam. I knew he had something planned, he always did. We got in the car and drove off.

We were on the road for what seemed like forever before Liam pulled off to the side of the road. I looked around but only saw open fields. I gave Liam a puzzled look as he got out of the car and opened my door. I got out and he placed a blindfold over my eyes.

"Liam? Is this really necessary?" I asked as he took my hand and we started walking.

"Of course it is, love."

We walked for about ten minutes until Liam stopped. He took my blindfold off but kept his hands over my eyes. I was beginning to get annoyed. Who knew what this boy had up his sleeves.

"We're here!" he said as he removed his hands. I instantly saw the huge oak tree and the pond with all the ducks. This was where I said yes to being his girlfriend. It was set up the same too. There was a blanket on the ground and a picnic basket. Liam took my hand and lead me over to the tree. We sat down and looked at the clouds, just like we did that September day. I couldn't believe it had been nine months. It seemed just like yesterday.

"So, the first time we were here I asked you a question. I have another question for you," Liam began. "Would you like to move to London with me? We have a few more shows in London then we are off for the summer. I've already spoken with your parents and they said it was up to you."

I thought about the question for a few minutes. I was in London with Liam a few months ago and I loved it there. The weather wasn't the best but other than that it was great. And now that their tour was ending, I would get to see Liam everyday. And I could always fly back home to visit my friends and family. I wouldn't be alone in London either. I loved Liam's mom and sisters so I could always go visit them. I would also have Eleanor. After a few minutes discussing my options in my mind, I looked up at Liam. I knew he really wanted me to move in with him.

"Yes. I will move to London." His smile reached from ear to ear as he hugged me really tight. I just laughed. I couldn't believe I was moving to a different continent. I couldn't wait either.

Liam and I spent an hour at the park before heading to another secret location. I had no idea where we were going this time until I smelled the salt. We parked before walking to the beach. We lived about an hour away so we would come here all the time. I grabbed Liam's hand as we walked along the beach.

It was about 5 so the temperature was getting ready to go down. We walked to the end of the pier and looked into the water for fish. Lizzy and I used to do this all the time. We left the pier and walked back to the beach in front of where we parked. We sat down and just looked at the waves crashing onto the sand. It was so relaxing. We stayed until the sun set before getting back in the car and heading home.


I stepped inside the house and saw it was decorated and everything. Mom, Dad, Becca, Bella, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Lizzy, and all the boys greeted me and wished me a happy birthday. We all ate the beautiful cake my mother had decorated before going outside and sitting on the porch. We all talked and everything until about 11. Everyone left except Liam. We were still sitting on the porch looking at the stars.

"Happy Birthday," Liam said as he handed me a small box that had a purple bow on top. I looked at him as I opened it. Inside was a silver necklace that had the infinity sign in the middle that was lined with diamonds. It matched the ring he gave me, which I wore every single day. Inside was a card that said:

"I will love you until the day the world ends. Until Niall isn't hungry. Until Zayn doesn't care about how he looks. Until Harry's hair isn't curly. Until Louis isn't sassy. I love you with all my heart. I will love you to infinity and beyond. Happy 20th birthday Kristen. Love, Liam."

I felt the tears begin to fall as I was reading the card. Liam gave me a worried look but I smiled as I gave him a hug.

"I love it. It's beautiful." We sat there, in each other's arms, enjoying the beautiful June night. I was so happy I was going to be with my love every single day. Liam was my other half. He was my rock. He made me complete. I loved him with my entire heart. He was everything I had ever wanted and needed. I was so glad I could call him mine.

-Authors Note-  

Hi. So. I've been editing my chapters and stuff. All the chapters up to this point have been edited but if you find any other mistakes please tell me. Don't forget to vote and fan.

Moments will be updated sometime this week. I have also edited those chapters.

Thank you for everything.


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