Chapter 16

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"Alaric braided your hair?" Valdus is visibly puzzled by this piece of information.

"Yes, it's not as bad as I thought it would be." Some of it is a little loose and the part is not straight, but it is impressive for his first time.

"Wow." Valdus blinks slowly still befuddled.

"As long as I no longer have to go anywhere near that mane, he can help you mix your oils for all I care."
Valdus hates my hair day too. Especially, the days when I have to make the hair care products.

"I hope Kailani makes you wash her hair." He immediately lights up at the mention of his mate.

"Trust me, my hands are in her hair plenty." I laugh as he tries to wiggle his eyebrows. He can never do it right. Instead, he is just pumping them.

"How're things going with her?" I realise I had not yet asked. To be fair, this is the first time we get time alone together since he came back.

"She is amazing. I think she may be a little too amazing. I mean, who is that sweet and kind and just good. People suck. How is she so pure?" He throws himself on the bed dramatically.

"Honestly, Nene. She is perfect. How am I mated to someone so... just her?"

"Because, she is perfect for you. All of your life, you knew nothing but sorghum and greens. The closest you got to goodness was me, and I am a more like a seafood platter. She is ice-cream, and no one can savour ice-cream like someone who has never known any sweetness."

"Are you comparing people to food? What am I?"

"Hot sauce."

"Aha! So you finally admit I am hot!"

"You're a phoenix; heat is a non-negotiable." His fiery personality is more intense than tobasco.

"Hold up," he looks serious now, "why am I a sauce and you are an entire platter?" I mentally facepalm.
How can he ask such a silly question with such a stern face?

"Do not question the great mysteries of life. It is what it is." Besides, who doesn't love hot sauce?

"You have your warrior hair in place." Valdus points out after a bit.

I do?

My hand goes to my hair and I realise he is right. Two dutch braids. I could have taught him french braids or cornrow, they are much easier. Instead I chose this.

"Are we going to war?" His question is rhetorical, he knows what this hair means. It is one of my more subtle clairvoyant instincts.

"It's not too late. You can grab Kailani and fly out of here. No one would blame you." Nymphs are notoriously pacifist. In fact, humans almost hunted them out of existence before the great war. They are always targeted for their abilities and as such are always in hiding.

"I am not turning my back on you." Loyal to a fault.

"Kailani should be your priority now." She is the most vulnerable supernatural there is.

"Don't flatter yourself. She is definitely first on my list of priorities. All I am saying is we're family too."
Yes, we are.

"You're right. You're my annoying little brother." I ruffle his hair.

"More like your favourite cousin." He fixes his oh-so-precious ash locks.

Cousins. I wonder if I have any of those.

"Where did you say Kailani was again?" I ask noticing his slight agitation. I know it is from being apart from her for so long.

"She fell in love with the library here." So she reads?

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