Chapter 35

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Tonight is the night of my induction ceremony.

Well, Valdus, Lani and I.

When the two of them told me they wanted to join too, I may have shed a tear or two. Or bawled like a baby. You choose which one you believe.

Lani and I are getting ready together and she looks absolutely breathtaking.
Blue irises are in her curly hair and she has somehow bejewelled her temples. The soft blue chiffon dress also looks spectacular on her.

Valdus is going to need an inhaler when he sees her.

I, on the other hand, am wearing something that looks more like a deep purple bridal gown. A super sexy one though. A little bit of purple lipstick and some mascara make my lips and eyes pop, while my hair is still in the dutch braids. I look pretty good.

I haven't seen Alaric since he walked out on me four days ago, but I suspect I shall see him tonight. In fact, I know I shall see him tonight. I am nervous. Part of my new "taking charge of my life" initiative is burying my pride and apologising to Alaric. After some reflection, I realised just how crazy I've been acting. He and I were just starting to get to know each other. And for that one day, at least, we were good. I expected too much too soon. Besides, I really should have told him why he does not feel the bond.

We have both made mistakes, but that does not have to mean the end of our story. What was it Aedion said? The learning curve of any relationship is the hardest part.
I really hope this is the hardest part.

"Relax." Lani's soothing voice says. Easier said than done.
"You look amazing." Lani compliments me with a wide smile.

"And you look ethereal." Like a goddess of the sea.

She strikes a dramatically glamorous pose while blushing making me smile. I see Valdus is already rubbing off on her.

"Work it, girl." I cheer as she moves on to the next pose showing the back.

"Fa-bu-lous! You are giving me life!" She giggles as she gives me another fierce pose. Who knew she had it in her?

Staring at her, I can't help but feel a twinge of envy. She is just so effervescent and pure. If I could I would keep some of her essence in a talisman.

I mean, I could, but it would be dangerous for her.

My point is, everyone needs a Kailani.

"Can I admit something?" Her usual shy demeanor is back.

"If you tell me you are pregnant, I will freak out." I cannot handle an army of mini-Val's yet.

She blushes deeply shaking her head.

"Val told me, about your feelings. You saved me." Ah, right. I should have known this was coming.

"I really didn't do anything. I just pointed Val in the right direction." I inform her.

"You do so much for so many people without getting the recognition you deserve."

"I'm not some saint. If anything saving you was very selfish. Now you can deal with Val's crazy self." She giggles some more.

"You used to intimidate me, you know." I get that a lot, still not sure why though.

"You are so loud and fearless. Not to mention how confident you always are. It was a little intimidating." I am not that loud. Why do people keep saying that?

"I don't know if Valdus told you, I grew up sheltered and I'm a little naive. I'm also not the best at peopling." She winces at that last word and I swallow my laugh. She would die of embarrassment.
"My point is, I would like for us to be friends."

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