Chapter 1

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'He's calling meetings now? In my house?'

'Jimin, we invited him here to help. Let's just hear him out,' Yunhee argued, striving to match the long strides of her disgruntled boyfriend as he marched across the landing. 'Tae wouldn't go out of his way to find me unless it was something really impor-'

'Sure, he wouldn't,' Jimin mumbled caustically while unbuttoning his cuffs. 'Did he knock before entering?'

'Oh, and I'd suppose you'd know all about that, Sir Voyeur,' Yunhee remarked. Jimin cast her a challenging stare, his eyebrows higher than the Lotte World Tower as he rolled up his shirt sleeves and hurried down the staircase ahead of her. 'The sitting room door was wide open-'

'I don't care,' he chuckled humourlessly, 'he needs to knock first.'

'And you need to take a chill pill and stop interrupting me,' Yunhee huffed as she raced after him.

She should have known this would happen.

Tae had been in Pyeongchang-dong for less than twelve hours and Jimin was already acting like an arrogant Mafia King. Although, she suspected it had little to do with his old friend bringing their meeting forward, and more to do with the fact that he'd sought her out rather than the boss.

Admittedly, Yunhee was glad of the distraction. Her legs were growing numb beneath her backside, and she was on the brink of growing cross-eyed from the inventory she'd been scanning for almost two hours.

The list of cargo containers in Incheon was longer than a centipede on a stretching rack, the serial numbers a jumble of letters and figures that contributed nothing to their search.

She was about ready to give up, praying that Tae would bring something to the table when the gang put their heads together at 4PM.

At least, that had been the plan until said man waltzed in and disturbed her.

'There you are!' The baritone rumble made Yunhee jolt in the bay window as her eyes shot straight to the source of interruption. Tae loitered confidently in the doorway, his fingers hooked inside the waistline of his blue jeans as he swayed back and forth on his feet. 'I was looking all over for you.'

'I'm usually in here,' Yunhee stated with a gentle smile, laying aside the cargo register while unwinding her dead legs.

'Why?' Tae questioned, his features a portrayal of wonder as he glanced around the tranquil sitting space offering traditional furniture and a view of the driveway. 'You like this room?'

'Very much,' Yunhee affirmed.

'Hmm.' Tae thrummed an allegro beat on his hips as he vanished into a deep cavern of thought. 'I see...'

'Was there something you needed?'

'Yes, actually,' Tae answered, his mien shifting from contemplative to severe as he cleared his throat. 'Can you gather everyone in the study in five minutes?'

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