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"Are you sure you want to go to school?" Nayeon asked

"Yes mom, I want to go to school today" Yuna said

"But how would you take notes? You have a cast in your dominant hand" Jeongyeon said

"It wouldn't be that hard and besides, I can still move my wrist" Yuna said and showed her mothers that she's fine even with a cast on her arm

"Okay, but, you'll only attend the afternoon classes, you just got out of the hospital and its not really fine to go out always" Nayeon said

Yuna was debating, well at least she could still go out rather than just staying home the whole day. Also she will be able to see Chaeryeong so she guess it was worth it anyways.

"Hmm, okay" Yuna said with a smile.

She went off to her room and played with Sarangiee for the meantime.

Chaeryeong was in class, students chit chattering, Ryujin was nowhere to be seen honestly. The teacher was just discussing some topics to the students with Chaeryeong not really listening to whatever the teacher was saying because her mind was full of thoughts. Is Yuna ever be back? Is Yuna still going to talk to her? She misses Yuna so much and she hopes that she and Yuna could be in good terms. She wants a miracle to happen, Yuna coming up to her with a big smile and greets her the way before. Chaeryeong sighed and looked out to the window

"Ms. Son"

"Ms. Son"

"Ms. Son Chaeryeong" she finally heard, she turned her head towards the teacher who was now looking at her

"Y-yes miss?" Chaeryeong asked nervously, students were looking at her direction and some were even laughing because she wasn't paying attention.

"I was asking you about Situation Anxiety, I just discussed this yesterday" The teacher said


"So, will you explain everything that you remember from my lesson or you'll stay at the back" The teacher asked

"She's not even listening" a girl said and they laughed at Chaeryeong

"Chaeryeong?" The teacher asked

"Situation Anxiety, is a psychological reaction of a person that may not have any relation with the person due to a specific situation. It may not have any relation to the person or the context. This anxiety is triggered by a special combination of audience and context that incloves different dimensions and creates a uniques scenario. Examples of these are having a job interview, meeting someone for a first date, sharing your own opinion in a meeting and even being away from... home" Chaeryeong answered and then looked at the teacher.

"Good job Chaeryeong, I'm glad that you were even to say those examples" the teacher said and smiled

"Thank you Miss Jieun" Chaeryeong said and bowed

"No worries" Miss Jieun said and winked at the student, obviously she's the favorite already.

Chaeryeong sat back down on her chair.

"So you see class, it would be more nice if you would be like your classmate here, Chaeryeong" Jieun said

"But miss, she doesn't listen to you anyways" a girl said

"Well because its just a recap Abby, and she even remembered the lesson yesterday which clearly shows that she pays attention" Miss Jieun said

"So, be more like Chaeryeong, okay?" Miss Jieun said

"Nae~" the students answered happily

"Miss Jieun" Abby said and raised her hand

"Yes Abby?" Miss Jieun asked

"You said we should be more like Chaeryeong..." she then looked at Chaeryeong

"Yes I did, what's wrong?" Miss Jieun asked

"So, do we need to an orphan like her?" Abby asked and smirked as she looked at Chaeryeong. Chaeryeong clenched her fists, she was mad at how Abby said it.

"Abby, we don't talk about those things in this class" Miss Jieun scolded

"But Miss, its true, she's an orphan, You're an orphan right Chaeryeong?" Abby asked and Chaeryeong just glared at her, trying to stop her tears from falling. Abby smirk, she knew she won at this moment.

"Aww, she's going to cry, what a crybaby" Abby teased and even some of her friends joined along.

Minju was about to talk to Abby but the teacher stopped them.

"Ha Abby! Keep quiet and shut your mouth, if not you're going to the principal's office" Miss Jieun scolded

"Wow, I'm scared, so what now? I'm gonna end up being like her and Yuna?" Abby asked, she knew how Chaeryeong could get triggered from Yuna's name.

Suddenly the bell rang, signalling that it was already lunch break. Chaeryeong quickly gpt her things and went out of the class and to her locker. She started tearing up, her head down low. She puts back her books and notebook, wanting to quickly finish up the day because she knew she wouldn't be able to stand bullies. It was her first time to have bullies like that, usually they would bully her about her appearance but now, they bully her for how she turned up, how she was just an orphan...

"We're not yet done.... Son Chaeryeong" Abby said and smirked

"Get lost" Chaeryeong muttered, trying to be tough

"Tsk, trying to be tough won't help you" Abby scoffed

"Seems like Yuna and you are just the same" Rian said, they were walking closer to Chaeryeong until her back was pressed against the wall

"You're real parents abandoned you, they don't love you" Abby said, it made Chaeryeong tear up, hearing about it hurts her

"That's n-not true" Chaeryeong said

"Oh, its true, and if it weren't for your fake parents, you wouldn't be here anyways. You can be considered as using them for money" Rian said and smirked


"Stop denying Chaeryeong, you know very well that they'll only be using you, they don't love you, they don't care for you, in fact they hate you and they're just waiting for the right time to ditch you and you sister" Abby said with a smirk

"You're lying!" Chaeryeong cried out

"I wouldn't tell you if I wasn't lying Chaeryeong, aww, you look like you are pitied by everyone around you. That's so sad for you, no one loves you huh? It's okay, if you were my sister I won't love you either" Rian said and she and Abby just laughed

"Always remember this, you're just an orphan, you're a nobody" Abby whispered

"NO! YOU'RE LYING!" Chaeryeong cried out, more louder than the other, she was slowly losing her breath, her lungs were starting to hurt because of her crying.


"Oh, and for your information, Yuna won't care for you, you were the cause of why she changed, why she had an accident and why can't go to school anymore, its ALL.... YOUR..... FAULT" Abby trailed off, she was about to say something else when someone suddenly shouted.

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