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Clarke and her small group that had left to go to Mount Weather had come back missing one person. Jasper, the boy that didn't come back, was taken by the grounders, Clarke believed he was still alive, and she wanted to go back for him. Violet didn't think the boy would still be alive by the time they found him.

He was probably bleeding out, slowly dying, or he was already dead getting eaten by the grounders; she assumed she had no idea what they were capable of.

Clarke and Wells were going to look for Jasper. Clarke had recruited Bellamy because he had a gun, and he made Murphy and Violet come with him. "Murphy, you're with me," Bellamy said, putting on his jacket. Murphy gave him a nod. "Violet, you too" she looked up to face him; she was cleaning the dirt that was on her nails. She gasped, "I'm part of the cool kids now," she said, clapping. Today could be her lucky day; she would kill a grounder.

"Atom, my sisters doesn't leave this camp, is that clear," he said as Atom made his way to where he was. "I dont need a babysitter," Octavia said, looking at her leg. He ignored her "anybody touches her, they answer to me," he told Atom.

Bellamy started to walk Murphy and Violet followed behind him. "Since when are we in the rescuing business," Murphy asked, walking closer to Bellamy. "Im getting that wristband even if I have to cut off her hand," Bellamy said firmly, looking at Clarke. A smirk appeared on Murphy's face. She gasped in excitement "can I do it," she asked, jogging to be next to Bellamy. He only looked at her and gave her a small smile which she took as a yes.

Clarke and Wells were ahead of them, Violet didnt know what the rush was; she was actually enjoying the view as she looked around to the trees. "Hey, wait up, whats the rush," Bellamy said, making Clarke stop. Violet's eyes widened, "thats what I was thinking," she said with a smile catching up to them.

"Jasper screamed when they moved him. If the spear struck his heart, he'd have died instantly. It doesn't mean we have time to waste," Clarke said, not waiting for a response as she turned around, Bellamy got her arm. "As soon as you take this wristband off, we can go," he told her. "The only way the ark is going to think Im dead is if Im dead," Clarke said, walking closer to Bellamy. Violet rolled her eyes thinking she was being a little bit dramatic.

"I can fix that," Violet said, walking to Clarke, but she was stopped by Murphy. She moved back in protest. No one let her hut anyone these days. "Brave princess," Bellamy said with a smirk.

"Hey, why dont you find your own nickname," Finn said as he walked closer to the group. Violet looked at him as he got closer to Clarke. He had caught up fast up to them, or they hadn't walked that far, which Violet wasnt so thrilled about.

Finn had suggested splitting up to cover more ground; he took Clarke, which was obvious.

Violet, not waiting on anyone, started to walk. Bellamy had stayed a bit behind walking next to Wells. Murphy had somehow caught up with her and was now walking next to her. "Why did you stop me," Violet asked, looking forward. "Because if you kill Clarke, Finn, Wells, and maybe even Bellamy are going to kill you," he said simply. She didn't know why he cared if they came after her. "And I'll kill them before they even have the chance to get near me," she said with a smile.

Murphy let out a small chuckle "you think you can take them at the same time," he said, looking at her as she was touching a tree branch while walking. "Yes, easily," she looked at him, and he was still looking at her, "Ill love to see that," he said with a small smile.

They heard Clarke calling them, "you think he's dead," she said, raising an eyebrow. "Let's find out," Murphy said. The group was together again; Clarke and Finn had found blood near a few rocks. The groups followed Finn as he followed the blood splatter that Jasper had left.

Violet wasnt too sure if it was Jasper's blood, it could be of a grounder or an animal. They started to hear noises.

They walked toward the sound and found Jasper on a tree without his shirt. As they started to walk, Clarke was worried about Jasper that she didnt look where she was going and almost fell to her death.

Violet was a bit disappointed when Bellamy and the rest of the boys had helped him get her to safety. She would have let her fall to her death. Finn went to cut the vines and called Murphy to help him. Violet watched them, her arms crossed over her chest.

As they were getting Jasper down, they heard a noise coming from the bushes. They thought grounders had found them. Violet turned around to see where the sound was coming from behind the tall grass; she saw an animal. It was big and black, and it had a tail.

She moved her head to the side curiously, walking to where the animal was, ignoring how Murphy had called her name, wanting her to stop walking. Murphy moved from where he was and started to run toward Violet as the black panther started moving faster toward her.

Violet was curious about the animal and wanted to touch it. She fell to the ground hard. Murphy was on top of her as the panther jumped over them. Wells shot at it multiple times the animal fell dead to the ground.

Violet looked up and saw Murphy; he was breathing heavily. He was looking at the animal that was not too far from them. "You can move now," she told him, making him look down at her. He got up once he was standing up, she got up as well.

She walked a few steps to the animal; Murphy got her arm to stop her. She looked at him "its dead, you can let me go," hesitantly he did; she kneeled and placed her hand on it. It was the first time she saw an animal ever she smiled.

They walked back to the camp. Clarke and Finn were with a very weak Jasper while Bellamy and Wells were carrying the panther back to the camp. "Whats wrong with you," Murphy had finally asked her. "Many things," she said, not stopping for him to catch up to her. "No, I mean back there. You were getting closer to the animal you could have died, Violet," Murphy said, holding her wrist making her stop. She didn't see the danger in the animal when it was alive. She was just curious.

Violet harshly moved her arm, making him let go. "Don't tell me you care," she said with both hands on her heart. "I don't. It was just stupid of you," he said, looking at her face. She had an unreadable expression that made him want to know more about Violet. Murphy knew she was missing a few screws in her head.

"I have never seen anything like that before, I was curious," she said, shrugging. He shook his head "don't do that again," he said and started to walk ahead of her. "I honestly can't promise that," she said, not sure if he even heard her. She never thought twice about her actions; she acted first and then worried about the consequences.

They had finally made it back to the camp; it was nighttime. Wells and Bellamy dropped what they were going to eat on the ground while Finn and Clarke took Jasper inside. "Who's hungry," Bellamy said, and everyone cheered. She was starving. A line started to form to take off their wristbands. Those who didnt have it on were able to eat because of that; many choose to take it off.

Violet was eating enjoying the food. She didnt notice when Murphy took a seat next to her. "This is good; they never gave me anything like this when I was locked up," Violet said, taking another bite. Back in the skybox, she had horrible food compared to the other prisoners.

Because she was a killer and had killed two guards, the rest of the guards treated her differently. For a year, she somehow survived on an expired food and water. She didn't know how she did it, but she had survived, and now she was here.

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