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"Hey bird, you need to stay up; you can't sleep," Violet told her. Raven was lying down with her eyes closed. Violet got up and walked closer to her since she didn't get a response. She brought her two fingers to her neck, checking for a pulse "don't touch me purple," Raven whispered. "Then answer me," she told her annoyed.

"John, what are we going to do with her," Violet asked, walking back to where Murphy was sitting. "Help will come," he responded her. "And if it doesn't," she asked. Violet looked back at Raven, "hey, bird, which one of us do you pick to kill you," she asked. "You two won't kill me; if I die, I'll die on my own," she told her, opening her eyes looking at Violet, and then she closed them again.

"I'll respect your wishes, I guess," she said. "I'm sure she would have picked me. She looked at me," Violet said quietly to John.


Violet didn't know how many hours had passed. People from the ark walked into the dropship; one of them was Abby, Clarkes mom. Abby walked to Raven, kneeling, "Clarke isn't here; I don't know where she is," Violet heard Raven say. "What happened to you," Abby asked. Raven looked at Murphy, and at Violet after a few seconds, she responded, "I got shot."

John and Violet walked out of the dropship; they were walking next to Kane. Violet was walking with her axe in hand while John was talking, "It was awful. There were hundreds of them, and if it wasn't for Raven," Murphy said.

"Look, John...Bellamy is alive," Violet said, pointing at Bellamy not too far behind was Finn "oh, and Finn is here too," Violet said, looking at Finn. Murphy stopped talking, Bellamy ran toward him, attacking him. "You murdering son of a bitch!" Bellamy yelled.

"Bellamy, stop," Violet said. She was ready to swing her axe, but a guard got to her before she was able to do anything. "Someone stop him." An officer walked to Bellamy with an electric baton. Bellamy fell to the side.

"Place him under arrest," Kane told the officer. Violet was let go and ran to Johns side "when are you going to catch a break," she told him, looking at his bloody face.

"Wait. You don't understand. Murphy murdered two of our people. He shot another one. He tried to hang Bellamy," Finn said. "No one likes a snitch," Violet told Finn. "I don't care. You are not animals. There are rules. Laws," Kane said, walking to Bellamy. "You are not in control here anymore," Kane said.

Violet helped John to get up. Two officers come out of the dropship with Raven on a stretcher. Violet looked at Raven; she was pale "she's lost a lot of blood. It's a miracle that she's still alive. There's no one else in there. Come on," Abby said.

They walked to the new camp that they decided to call camp Jaha. Violet and Murphy were with other injured people. Abby checked on her stab wound. Abby looked at Violet "it doesnt look infected, but I have to sew it shut, or it will get infected," she told Violet. "Can you do that here," Violet asked Abby. "Yes, I do have that equipment, but we dont have anesthesia. Your wound is not that big it wont hurt that much, but you will feel it," Abby told her. "Thats fine, trust me, I had so much worse," she told Abby.

Abby gave her a concerned look; she had no idea what all these kids had gone through in such a short time. Abby began to sew her wound.

Violet closed her eyes and bit her lip; she felt someone hold her hand. She opened her eyes, and it was John. "Hi, how are you feeling," she said. "Better, Dr. Griffin, already check me" Abby smiled at that and continued to work on Violets wound. "Hows b- Raven," she asked; John looked at Abby.

"She needs surgery. Shes going to have to make some complicated decisions," Abby said. A guard came into the room. "John Murphy and Violet Oakley, you are under arrest," the guard said. Violet looked at the guard pulling her shirt down and Abby was done checking her other wounds.

Abby looked at both of them "they are cleared, you can take them." "Could you tell me how bi-Raven is after her surgery," Violet said, looking at Abby before the guard took her.

She had her hand-tied once again "you know I dont enjoy when my hands are tied," Violet said, lifting her arms. She gasped and stopped moving, "lets go," the guard said. "Shit, my axe," Violet said, looking around, "John, where did I leave it; I had it with me," she said, looking at Murphy.

"Your axe was confiscated; now keep walking," the guard said. "I want it back," Violet said to the guard, moving forward-facing the guard. The officers got out the electric baton "wow, stop," Murphy said, looking at the officers.

He walked closer to her "V, its ok, we will get it later," he whispered to her.

The doors opened, John and Violet walked in. Violet was pissed about her axe, but she saw Bellamy "what are they doing here," Bellamy said, not happy to see them. "Dont lie, Bellamy. You know you miss us," she said with a smile, she did a small spin and stopped in front of him.

Bellamy looked at Kane "put them over there," Kane said, pointing at the other side of the room. "On your knees," the guard said. "Wow, take me out on a date first," Violet said, getting on her knees. They tied their hands to a pole.

"This should be fun," Murphy said. Violet smiled agreeing. They heard a scream; it was Ravens screaming "bird," Violet said sadly. "Yeah. That was us at the Grounder camp. You know, I did everything I could not scream, but eventually," Murphy said, remembering those days her back started to hurt.

"But eventually, you broke, and you told them everything," Bellamy said. "Ha, you think you would have survived what we went through," Violet told him. "Damn right. Im not a traitor," Bellamy said confidently. "Please, you would have cracked in an instant," she told him. "You just keep believing, even if you are in here just like us," Murphy said.

Raven had stopped screaming, but no one had informed Violet of her condition "do you think shes ok," Violet asked John. He looked at her to see Violet worry about someone else was new. "Yeah, its Raven, I bet she will be running to kick my ass," Murphy said "she would," Violet said with a genuine smile.

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