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"Mom, but I want to help," Eloise said. "Absolutely not; you're staying here with Elliott; it's safer this way."

"But I wa-" "listen to your mother, Eloise," John said, still trying to figure out how to use the gun.

Eloise crossed her arms "it's not fair. It's boring hiding," she said, her back leaning against a tree.

"I'm sorry that me wanting for you to not get shot is boring," Violet said, looking at her daughter, but Eloise was looking down.

John kissed Elliott's head "take care of your sister; we will be right back," John said. Elliott stood up straight, "I will take care of her. I won't let anything happen to her," Elliott said, sounding serious. John smiled at him "good."

The group got their guns ready and started to shoot.

"Murphy. You finally got a gun. Use it," Raven yelled at John as bullets were coming their way. "Going as fast as I can. Come on!" John said as he was trying to figure out how to use the gun.

"Say hello to my little friend!" John said and was quickly thrown back. "Oh, she's got a kick."

The gun started to make a weird noise "what is that." "What did you do?" "He cracked the core. It's gonna blow. We should run," Shaw told Raven.

Raven walked to where the gun was on the snow. "I don't run," Raven said, able to unplug a few wires before the gun exploded.

"They stopped shooting back," Echo said. "No movement in the pillboxes," Shaw added. "No reinforcements yet, either."

"Where the hell is everyone, then?" John said, getting up soaking wet from the snow he fell on.

"Something's wrong," Echo said, looking to the left.

As they went back to the cave, they realized that Diyoza, as well as Kane, weren't there.

Echo tried to radio Bellamy, but he wasn't there, only Monty.

"Shaw and Raven come with me," Echo said. "Murphy and Violet stay here to fix the cannon." "Excuse me what," John said, getting up.

"Bellamy is in trouble; I have to go. You would do the same for Violet," Echo said and walked away.

"Be careful, birdie," Eloise said as Elliott hugged her. "I will," and she left, following Shaw.

"Come on, John, let's fix this thing," Violet said, kneeling. As they were trying to fix the cannon, the kids were near them, "Elliott, don't touch anything," Violet said as she saw Elliott slowly moving his small hands to the cannon.

"What if next time you don't use too much power, so it doesn't throw you back," Violet suggested wiring it back. "That could work, but what if it doesn't do anything," John said as Violet put on the last screws.


Echo came back to the cave with Madi, "let's get Bellamy," Echo said.

The group got in the rover. As Madi was driving they saw how Octavia was on her knees waiting to get shot, but they had arrived just in time.

"Octavia, get in, now!" Echo yelled from the passenger seat. Murphy got out of the car, "Yeah! Somebody call for a rescue?" He said, pointing the cannon at the prisoners.

"Less talking, John, hurry up!" "Wasn't this fixed," John said, having trouble with the cannon, the little screen blinking. "Apparently not."

Bellamy with the other survivors got in the rover. "It's gonna blow. Throw it now!" "John, get in!" They closed the doors from the rover as a big explosion appeared behind them.

Madi drove to the camp where everyone else was staying as they got out of the rover, Violet saw Harper and Monty.

The kids look at her "go on," she said nodding. The two kids ran up to Harper and Monty hugging them; they haven't seen them in several days.

"Dad made an explosion; we almost died," Elliott said excitedly, moving his arms around, showing an explosion.

"That's not how it happened," John said, walking closer to them. "Happy to see you two," Monty said. Harper hugged Violet "us too."

Because they were at war and didn't have good leaders, everyone decided to follow Madis leadership as the new commander.


Violet was driving the rover, and John was sitting in the passenger seat how she got in the situation; she wasn't sure the last few days were a blur.

"Someone explain to me why I'm not shooting this Gatling gun," John said as Violet was driving closer.

"This is Madi's plan. We have to draw out the cannons," Bellamy said. "By giving them a big target? Yeah, that's a great plan." "Ye of little faith," Echo said from the back.

The rover stopped moving. "You were saying?" John said, looking back at Echo. "What's wrong? We're not close enough. Why are we stopping?"

"Tell them! They got the engine. We can't move," Violet said, hitting the steering wheel. "John get back," Violet told him as she went back to where Bellamy and Echo were.

"Big gun. Go! Now! Be heroes," John said, following after Violet.

Echo and Bellamy got out from the back door. Echo took the first shot making the cannon explode.

"I need to get closer." "Get closer. I'll cover you," John said, going back to the front. "John get back here," Violet told him as he got shot.


Murphy yelled and started shooting at the enemy.

The gun ran out of bullets "we have to go," Violet told him, trying to pull him back, but he got shot again. Murphy yelled in pain, "I got you."

Bellamy ran closer and took the shot, making another cannon explode.

Once everyone stopped shooting, Violet helped out John.

"Come on, John," Violet said as they were walking with Monty and other people that were wounded.

"Mom." "Dad." Eloise and Elliott said once they saw them, they had stayed behind with Monty and Harper.

"What's wrong with dad," Elliott asked sadly, noticing that his father had blood on his shoulder. "I got shot...but I'll be ok," he said once he saw the way that Elliott was looking at him.

"Everyone, listen up. Life as we know it is about to end again. Get your asses to the transport ship now for immediate evacuation," Raven said through the radio. "Not again," mumbled Violet.

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