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John's idea was to leave the collar that had the tracker in a cave, the prisoners were going to follow it, and with the fuel from the rocket, it was going to make an explosion. That will keep them off his back.

John went into the cave, setting everything up. Elliott insisted on going with him. John told him that he could. It was a way for son and father bonding time according to John. Because every son and father relationship set up an explosion together, totally normal.

Violet watched with a smile as Elliott was trying to catch up with his little legs walking as fast as he could. While Violet was watching the boys, Eloise had walked away as she heard a few voices getting near. She saw four tall men going to where her father and brother were.

She had to think fast and threw a rock, making one of the men walk away from the cave but closer to where she was hidden. "Oh no," she looked around, trying to find anything to defend herself with, but the only thing she found were leaves, rocks, and branches.

She got a few rocks and waited until he was closer not wanting to give her location away just in case he hadn't seen her. She tried to control her breathing, but as she saw the man making eye contact with her, her heart started beating faster.

"You're not Murphy," the man said, getting closer to her. As far as he knew, no one knew of her; maybe he could have some fun with her then drop her body somewhere. The man had a nasty smile as he looked at Eloise. It sent chills down her spine. "Are you lost," the man asked innocently.

She held the rock tightly in her hand, waiting for him to get closer she couldn't miss. "Not much of a talker, are you?" He was only a few feet away from her; that's when she decided to throw the first rock hitting him on the head.

It didn't knock him out, but it did draw some blood "bitch," the man said, bringing his hand to his head. She threw two more rocks, one hitting him on the shoulder and the other one on his nose.

She smiled to herself, but her smile was fast whipped clean as the man was angry blood running down his nose. She ran when she saw the man approaching her rather quickly. "You're not going anywhere," he said, wrapping his arms around her and lifting her off the ground.

"Mom!!" Eloise yelled as she moved around, trying to get loose. "Mom!" She tried to hit him, but he only tightened his grip on her. "No one is going to help you," he told her. Eloise could feel his warm breath by her ear "let go of me!" Once again, she tried to hit him.

Hearing her daughter's screams, Violet ran. She couldn't believe she didn't notice when she left her side. If something happens to Eloise, she would never forgive herself.

"Mom!" She heard it closer this time. She finally saw Eloise, a prisoner had her. She was trying to fight back; he had blood on his forehead.

She got her knife out and threw it, hitting him on his shoulder. With her back, Eloise was able to push the knife more in. The prisoner let her go, "run, Eloise," her mother told her while Violet ran to the man.

Eloise ran and hid behind a tree, her back to her mother.

Violet took out the knife from his shoulder, making blood come out of the cut she had made. He held his shoulder for a second.

He was trying to get his gun, but with the knife, Violet stabbed him in his hand. The man yelled in pain as the knife was coming out of the other side of his hand. "You will pay for coming after my family," Violet said, taking the knife out of his hand and making a large cut on his throat.

The man fell to his knees with his good hand on his neck. She got him from his hair and continued to cut his head off, splattering blood on herself. As she held the head of the man high, she couldn't help but smile. She felt the adrenaline kick in after so long she had killed again. It brought happiness to her cold heart. He wasn't going to hurt her daughter or come after John again. She threw his head into a bush without a care in the world and cleaned her knife on the back of his shirt.

"Eloise," Violet called after walking back. "Mom," Eloise said, coming from behind a tree. "Hey, it's ok, he won't hurt you," she said to Eloise, kneeling looking at her.

"I was scared," Eloise said with tears in her eyes. "And that's ok, Eloise, you can be afraid," she said, cleaning Eloise's tears. "But you and dad are never afraid." "I'm afraid of losing you three," Violet said quietly.

Coming back to the ground could make what she was most afraid of reality.

"You are," Eloise asked through tears. "Of course, you, Elliott, and your father are the most important people in my life, and I will do anything to keep you three safe." That was a promise she would give her life if she had to.

Eloise and Violet heard an explosion, they quickly turned around, looking where it came from. "Let's go," Violet said, holding Eloise's hand.

They ran back to where the cave was. Violet was relieved once she saw that John and Elliott were alive. Eloise hugged her father "what happened," John asked, hugging Eloise back.

"They were trying to take her away." John's expression changed; he was angry that someone was going to take his daughter. He wanted to keep his family safe. "Who," he asked, ready to kill whoever thought it was a good idea to mess with his daughter. "I took care of it." "Murphy!" There was a survivor after the explosion, "Get down," John said, hugging Eloise down.

Violet had her hand on Elliott's head "stay down." The survivor took a few steps and fainted. Violet took her knife out and got up "wait," John said, stopping her from killing whoever that was.

"Why" John kneeled and checked his pulse; it was weak, but he was still alive, "We have a hostage."

John dragged McCreary to the cave where they were staying while Violet was keeping a close eye on the kids. "Why are we taking this man with us," Eloise asked. "Because he's a bad guy. He hurt your dad," Violet said, looking at McCreary.

If looks could kill, he would already be dead.

Eloise nodded trying to understand; she looked forward.

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