Chuunin Exams! Start!

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'Bijuu' thinking

"Bijuu" talking




Naruto turned to face a tree to his right. 'Kurama' 

'I sense it as well, seems like Shukaku is here' replied Kurama. Just then a red headed boy appeared out of the shadows on the tree, hanging upside down; using chakra of course!

"Well we have to go, we'll see you later. Mr. One" said Naruto as he disappeared with the kids and his teammates. Leaving behind a shocked Gaara, who later smirked.


Naruto and Alice both had a grin plastered on their faces. Sasuke on the other hand was not happy in the least. Of course who can be happy when having a giant red mark on their face. 

"Would you two stop grinning!" Naruto began to laugh and Alice was already rolling on the floor. Not too long ago, ten minutes to be exact, Sasuke got challenged to a fight. Now Sasuke is still Sasuke meaning the boy still had a gigantic ego, that being said Sasuke accepted the challenged and in the end got his ass handed to him by a weird boy in green spandex and big eyebrows. Needless to say the two jinchuuriki enjoyed the whole show.

"S-Shut up and lets go!" said Sasuke as he dragged Alice to class 3-1, they were already in the academy, now all they have to do is go to the classroom. "H-Hey don't go dragging my body around! Naru-kuuuunnn~" yelled Alice as she got dragged away. Naruto soon ran after the two "Ali-chaaan stay strong!!!"


Kakashi wasn't nervous or worried about his team not passing. He trained them since they were little kids after all. He's confident of his siblings in all but blood. The thing is.... he's afraid for Gai's strongest student, Hyuuga Neji. Kakashi knows that Naruto can't stand people like him, and he(Neji) will be in the exams.

'Sigh'" Just have to wait and- Sasuke why is there a bruise on your cheek and why does Alice look dead?" He cut his sentence short when he saw Sasuke and an unconscious Alice being dragged behind him.

"I don't want to talk about it 'Kashi-sensei" replied Sasuke with a huff. Shortly after he finished his reply Naruto had finally cached up. "Ali-chan! Wake up Ali-chan!! Ali-chaaaaan!" wailed Naruto.

"Naruto calm down, she's unconscious not dead" said Kakashi as he observed his chaotic genins. "Just go inside already" sighed Kakashi, honestly how does he put up with his team?


Naruto and his friends all walked in the classroom, Naruto could already spot Gaara. Him being Naruto couldn't resist the smirk that made its way onto his face. "Come on" he said in a serious voice, this is not the time for him to be fooling around, all three of them know it.

It's a known fact that Naruto is the leader between the three, it was decided by Alice and Sasuke, though people, aside from the rookie nine and Kakashi, think that it's Sasuke. The two nod and follow the blond.

"Naruto, Sasuke, Alice!" calls Ino as she tackles the three. "Ah Ino, could you please get off us?" asked Naruto. "Haha sure thing Naru!" Soon team ten gathered around team seven. "Yo! Guys!" called Kiba as he and his team approached the group of six. 

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