Our Pain Is Greater Than Yours!

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Not revised and edited


"Why the hell does this keep..happening to us!" yells Naruto while trying to dodge the punches thrown at him. "Damn you Zabuza!" Honestly all he wanted to do was help this drunkard rude old man. He can forgive the whole demon brothers but this, this is just too much! "Damn it Tazuna! Stop making strong people your enemies!"

"What, it's not my fault!" yelled an offended Tazuna

Kakashi turns to look at the worried woman. Is she really underestimating his student that he himself, with others, trained way before they became shinobi? "Tsunami-san. Please don't underestimate my students. They may be children but they are shinobi. They chose this path. Those three are shinobi that fight and if need be, kill. They choose this path for their own reason but as well to protect their village, they are after all shinobi of Konohagakure" Tsunami had a sad look on her face. But these kids are a couple years older than her Inari, how can they go around smiling after they killed someone.

"What about their parents? What do they think of this?" She noticed how kakashi stiffen "They don't have any. All three of them are orphans. But Naruto and Sasuke both had a shinobi family and i'm pretty sure that Alice's father was once a shinobi." She stayed quiet and then headed toward the door and walks our but not before apologizing first.


In a meadow lied the genin of team 7 panting. They've been practicing for three hours now and are finally drained of energy. All three of them stared at the sky, pondering on the event that will soon happen on the bridge. They are strong for their age and they know this, but that doesn't mean that they a strong enough to take on some one like Zabuza and his partner. "Are you two ready to go back?" asked Alice.

Both boys sat up and nodded, each holding out a hand so that they could help Alice up. The three soon made their way back to Tazuna's house, once there they let Alice shower first then Naruto and finally Sasuke.

The whole team7 and Tazuna's family are sitting at the table eating dinner, since they were out all day and missed breakfast and lunch, with a really awkward silence that is getting on Naruto's nerves! Only the sound of their utensils hitting their plate was heard, that is- "Gah! Could someone just talk already!" exclaimed Naruto. Sasuke and Alice both sighed "Fine" replied Kakashi.

"So Tazuna, what's the story behind this place?" asked Naruto "What?"

"Ya know the story.... How was this place and why is it like this now....Let me show you...Konohagakure was founded by the Shodai Hokage and his best friend-turn enemy Uchiha Madara. It was meant to for families and children to have a home without the fear of shinobi coming and killing 'em. For the next generation. For us to be safe.

Of course things change and we can't keep everyone safe and the villagers mind change. But since then Konohagakure became one of the strongest shinobi villages and we fight for out comrades and with the Will Of Fire. Right now Konoha is at peace, no one attacking us, us not attacking no one. Now your turn!" Inari stared at Naruto through out it all, that stare soon changed to a glare.

"*Cough* Well lets see...Nami no Kuni isn't that big, we relied on finishing most of the time. We're peaceful people, never wanting to start a fight with other villages. This place was transformed when a man came and made us believe. With him we prospered and we were truly a village. You could say he was like our own Kage more more importantly he was our Hero.

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