First Day

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~Naruto's POV~

I woke up, went to the kitchen to make my breakfast ramen, went to my room and woke up Ali-chan.

"Ali-chan, wake up!"

"Naru-kun it’s too early!" She's not a morning person I see.

"But Ali-chan we need to go to school today!!"

"Oh I forgot."

After that I went to the bathroom to get fixed up. When I came out I was fully dressed and so was Ali-chan she wore a light blue short-sleeve shirt with net shirt underneath that the sleeves were longer than her shirts sleeves.

She also was wearing some shorts. They were light blue with a white strip on each side. She looks good and her long black hair tops it all. Oh Kami I sound like a chick!!! I ate my ramen and she ate the one she made.

"Come on Ali-chan we can't be late!"

"I'm walking as fast as I can. Please stop running!!"

I was running? Huh who knew?

~Alice's POV~

We finally got to school. As we walked pass some adults that were dropping off their kids, they kept on giving Naruto evil glares. Like they wanted him dead already!

I got mad but the thing that angered me the most was that some kid threw a rock at Naruto’s head!

His head started bleeding. That's it! I've had it I may not know Naruto that long but I know he's a nice boy.

"Why did you hit Naru-kun with the rock?” I said with rage. The boy just ran away.

“WHIMP!!” I shouted at him.

"Naru-kun, are you ok!!" I asked him.

All he did was cry. I felt bad for him. "Naru-kun, why do people treat you this bad??" He finally looked up at me.

"It’s no secret the whole village knows." what is he talking about?

“Naru-kun you’re making no sense at all!" I cried out.

"Ali-chan you'll hate me just like everyone else around here. Then you’ll leave me" why would he say that?

"Naru-kun I would never EVER do that to you. Ok so you’re different what's so bad about it??"

“You know I heard this before, a lady told this to me; its normal to be different and weird, it’s weird to be ‘normal’. Be different, be unique. That’s what kept me going!”

He looked at me with his blue crystal eyes. "Promise Ali-chan?"

"Mhm I pinky promise" he chuckled and we pinky promised. “Ali-chan I'll tell you when class ends, come on we need to get to class or else Iruka sensei will start yelling at us" So we ran to class.


"Ok class we have a new student!" I had to introduce myself i only said my name though and sat next to Naru-kun.

The rest of the day went as followed.

1) We learned about chakra

2) Had shuriken practice. It was hilarious Naruto almost killed Iruka. I was cracking up!! Then Iruka glared at me. Pshh whatever i don't care :) 

3) Had lunch.

4) Had to fight some pink haired girl for some animal crackers, hehe i won^_^.

And now we are just studying.

I decided to sit next to Naruto again. He was on my right. Some weird guy whose hair looked like a ducks ass sat on my left. To be honest he looks ....Emo!!

All he did was his work *goodie two shoes!* and then he glared at the window.....THE WINDOW!!! I feel bad for the window T^T I bet if the window had a mom and emotions he would be with her crying his little glass window ass off.

 Poor thing

Iruka started handing out papers. When he came up to Naru-kun he threw the paper at him and get this......he glared at him just like duck ass did to that poor window!!!

Then he came up to me and handed me my paper and smiled as if the whole Naruto incident never happened.

Talk about FAKE ass teachers.

Finally out of school!!!! Oh yea Naru-kun was gonna tell me why people hate him!! Oh wait I think I sounded wayyy to happy.

Well know I feel bad now. :'(

"Ali-chan!" Naru-kun yelled. "Are you gonna tell now!" I said less happy but it still came out happy  ...epic fail >_< he gave me a wtf look.-_-'

"Yeah I can tell you now" he sounded sad "Naru-kun I promised...remember " then I smiled a genuine smile at him.


Whatcha think?? I tried making long. Keyword "tried"

I already typed the next chapter and i got to say i dislike myself for this but the next chapter is sad i made his past life soooo depressing T^T




                       ~~<3 PEACE<3 XD~~


(^ . ^)


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