The beginning of a great friendship

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~5 years earlier~

Alice's POV

I'm tired of this. I'm tired of the constant beating I'm just tired of it!!

Its 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon and am now in front of gigantic green looking doors. Mhm so this is the Leaf village.

"Halt what business do you have in the village” one of the guards asked.

"I just want to live here that all" o said timidly while fidgeting with my hair.

"Ok follow us to see the Hokage" The other guard said.

We were walking through the village on the way to see the Hokage. This village is filled with happy people I'm gonna love it here!

I suddenly stopped. The guard next to me stopped as well seeing that I stopped.

I looked to my left to see a boy about my age crying. He has golden blonde hair. I walked up to him not knowing why because I'm really shy with people but I feel a bond with him.

"Uhm, why are you crying?" I softly asked so he wouldn't get more scared.

"Because, nobody likes me, everyone treats me like trash. They glare at me, they call me names but worst of all they tried killing me hundreds of times. But most importantly I have no friends”

Wow he's just like me. But he never showed his face. I looked down at him. He's still crying.

"Don't worry I'll be your friend!" I said with a smile. He looked shocked then looked at me.

"Why would you be my friend? You'll just get in trouble."

"Because I'm new here and I was just like you in my old village"

"Really?" he asked

"Mhm oh and I'm Alice. Alice Akane." I introduce myself.

"Hi Alice, I'm Naruto Uzumaki."

"Well I'll see you later I have to see the Hokage. Bye Naru-kun!!" I waved with a smile.

He smiled back "Bye Ali-chan" And with that done I walked back to the guards who were waiting patiently where I last was.

"Huh so you are friends with Naruto, huh. That's good for him “he said with a smile

~~Hokage’s office~~

"What's your name child" The Hokage asked.

"Alice” I reply

"So you want to live here huh. I can make that happen. Oh and I heard that you are now Naruto’s friend "

"Yes Hokage-sama"

"Please. Help him out he's really lonely”

"Yes sir" I respond

"Uh, Hokage-sama can I live close to him?" I tried making that less stalkish…but epic fail.

"Haha of course, you can be his new neighbor." I smiled at the old sweet man. "Thank you!"


What did you think?

If it’s suckish I understand it’s only my second story. And I’m not even done with that one so yea.





My Special Bond With Him (Naruto love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora