A Team of Three!

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Bijū talking

Regular talking


"Well you see Iruka-sensei... remember when we told you that Naru-kun is the strongest out the three of us?*Grumble from Sasuke and a nod from Iruka "Well, Naruto has a stronger will than us. He wants to protect us with all his will, Involve us and your pretty much signing your death. Another thing that would kill you is lying to him.

I guess its something that his parents imprinted on him, mostly his mom, You see the rule his mom told/taught him was this: An Uzumaki is never lied to, Lie to an Uzumaki and you are good as gone. If an Uzumaki is loyal to you than you must be loyal to an Uzumaki. Yea that was it. Mizuki lied to Naru-kun so in short that man is dead!" she finished happily. 'Creepy' thought Iruka as a shiver ran down his spine when Alice said the last part.

~~~~~End of recap~~~~~~

The walk to the Hokage tower was on of the slowest walk the group has ever experienced. on the way there a couple of ANBU appeared to escort them there. wasn't that awkward. some of the villagers that like Naruto were worried that something might happen to their 'Namikaze-sama' while the ones that were kept in the dark about it and still think of him as the Kyuubi him self, where kinda happy though they were worried for their 'Uchiha-sama'.

'Che civilians, they know nothing' said Nabi as she opened the link between Naruto's and Alice's mindscape so she can talk to both kits.

'Tell me about it. I've been with the kit for his whole life and every passing day these civilians disappoint me. Sometimes i just really want crush them, but kits all like noo~. At least the shinobi somewhat get what this seal does' said Kurama. Naruto and Alice turn to look at one another and nodded. They cut off the link. 'Bijuu's now a days' mumbled Naruto. Alice nods in agreement.

~Hokages office~

the four are currently standing in front of the Sandaime Hokage. "Well jiji i think we did a great job!" said naruto with a thumbs up. the sandaime took the smoke pipe out of his mouth letting the smoke out of his mouth "*cough-cough* are you trying to kill us gramps?" asked alice as the three genin start coughing. Hiruzen gives them a sheepish look "Ah sorry about that. Uzumaki Naruto, Akane Alice, and Uchiha Sasuke- all three straighten up- i thank you for stopping Mizuki before he gave out precious information on Konohagakure. Umino Iruka i thank you as well for letting these fine shinobi and kunoichi do their mission" Iruka smiles at the Hokage.

"Now i have your new Hitai-ate well the cloth" he said as he held the forehead protectors cloth. They all have a crimson red cloth, one has an orange, almost red, fox with nine tails that seem to be swooshing back and forth, the other has a burnt orange fox with eight tails and half of another one, it too seemed to be swishing its tail, and the last one has a blue hawk that seems to be soaring, with blood red eyes that creepily looks like the uchiha sharingan and a creamy white beak, all in all the fox, vixen, and hawk seems as if they were standing or soaring above blood seeing as how the crimson red really does look like blood.

"Naruto walks up to the hokage and grabs the hitai-ate. He hands Alice and Sasuke their forehead protectors. They take their hitai-ate off and rip off the cloth and somhow attach the new one on. their animals are all on the right side of their heads. "Thank you Hokage-sama" they chorus as they bowed.

"Now go home and rest report to the academy in a week" he ordered. "But I thought we were supposed to meet tomorrow?" asked Alice, the three genin had a confused look on their face "Ah about that yeah no we changed it. All parents and guardians have been notified" explained the only chunin teacher in the room.

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