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HAHAHAH wanted to keep you waiting for this chapter!!!! Gotta love them cliffhangers!!! Unless they are the stories i read in that case I HATE THEM......Oh yea getting of track here my bad-_-'.


"Gramps i'm not an expert in seals but whats that one doing there?" a very curious naruto asked."Hey! that's a blood seal!!!" exclaimed Alice as she too inspected the seal. "indeed it is you two are quit smart for 8 and 7 year old. Like i was saying this is a blood seal as i said before but this seal will only responded to naruto bite your thumb and spread your blood across the seal and it will open" explained the third hokage.

Naruto nodded and did what the third told him. The vault opened and it revealed quite a sight to see naruto and Alice gasped and held their mouth hung opened and eyes widen.


3RD P.O.V(in other words mine^_^)

Sarutobi Hiruzen was amused when he saw the dumbfounded look on the two kids next to him. He was actually trying hard to hold in his laughter. But he knew better than laughing at naruto. The last time he LAUGHED at Naruto he got pranked so bad he couldn't live it down for like 3 months. Poor, poor Hiruzen that was the day konohas Prankster King was born, Two of the best pranksters came from this village both will the same last name which were Kushina Uzumaki and Naruto Uzumaki.

"WOW" exclaimed the two kids in the room. To be honest they've been standing there for like 30 minutes so far. Alice finally decided to say something besides 'wow'.

"Is this really all for Naru-kun, Gramps?" Yup she started to take Naruto's speech patterns. The third sweat-dropped but he was pleased that Alice saw him as a grandfather figure. But he wasn't the only one who sweat-dropped some of the ANBU sweat-dropped as well.

"Yes Alice" smiled the third at Alice.

Naruto...well he was still shocked. Inside the safe there was a lot of money. Since Minato was a seals master he put up another seal that would make the little safe big if you wanted to go in it. He made it specially for Naruto because he was going to be a dad at the time and he had a wired feeling like something was going to go wrong so he wanted to be prepared just in case.

The safe would ONLY respond to Naruto's blood and that has to be at will not forced either, the seal can sense these kind of things but the people in the room didn't know that only the two figures that were looking down at them through heaven smiling at each other for their cleverness. (Minato & Kushina's faces (^.^) Kami's reaction(-_-"))

There were also a couple scrolls. One of the scrolls caught Naruto's attention since the scroll had an image of a fox on it. Naruto handed the scroll to Hiruzen for him to read it.

"ANBU! Please leave for a second" the third said. At first the ANBU hesitated but they left never the less. Sarutobi just sighed he was really tired of all this paperwork.

"Naru-chan this seal was especially made by me and your father. Even though I am an Uzumaki I don't like seals that much but that doesn't mean I'm no good at it. At the house there's another safe a lot bigger than this one and has the identical seal do the same thing you did here there. All this stuff will appear in the safe. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you just know this, I love you ~dattebane!

Don't let others make you think other wise!! Oh and make some friends not to many but just enough that you trust with your life and they to you. I love you my little fox. Promise to always smile if you can that is." Hiruzen had a smile plastered on hid old aging face. Naruto had tears in his eyes and Alice had a soft smile on her face with glossy eyes trying to fight back tears.

"I promise mommy ^_^"

The scroll had more writing on it obviously another letter attached to this one. Alice ,being the brave girl she is, decided to read the next letter.

"Naruto you are your mother and my legacy! I obviously want the best for you so please when you are done reading this scroll look inside the small vault at home and look for a scroll that is yellow and red. Well I don't want to give you instructions on what to do so I'm going to tell you this I know you want to be a ninja so a little word of advice do your best don't let people bring you down and when you are old enough by that I mean 16 years old or if you are able to protect yourself I hope you take the Namikaze name as well.

Like what your mother said I'm sorry that we aren't there with you." If Kushina's letter was emotional imagine what this made them feel. Naruto had tears of joy because even though he just saw his parents and he knows that his kaa-chan and tou-san loved him before he was even born.

"Naru I just love your parents way cooler than mine .....not fair!! "

"Anyways are we going to leave now? " Alice asked

Hiruzen nodded "Yes you may leave now here's your key." and with that the two kids left just to come back exactly 10 seconds later.

"Uh. Where's the located again?" asked naruto sheepishly.

"Huh" huffed the old man."Keep going north of here and you'll see the house. Oh and come back tomorrow i have to show you your new instructors."

"Will do old man!!" yelled the two as the started speeding off to look at the house"

"Sure they run that fast when they want something but when little old me asked them to do something the take their precious time" whined the third hokage. The four ANBU stationed there sweat dropped even more seeing the Honorable hokage at the age of who-knows-what whining like a 5 year old.


The brunette and the blond boy both stood in front of a two story house not to big but not two small it was perfect. They were wide eyes and if you looked close enough you can even see drool coming out of their mouth.

"WOW!!!!" They said in unison. Taking the key and putting it in the key on the gate naruto notice that a seal appeared. "Great gramps  forgot to tell us that there is a seal" huffed Alice

"Don't worry Ali-Chan its a blood seal which means i can open it" At least i hope. When naruto swiped his hand on the seal it glowed a light blue color and then the gate opened. They walked in taking in the beauty of the house an the front yard that somehow was kept fertilized. Not even being in the house yet and they couldn't stop moving their heads side to side. 

The front yard had beautiful green grass, a flower bed near the perch of the house a couple of trees and a small pond in front of the house and a Little bridge that lets cross to get to house.

"Simple yet pleasing" smiled Alice.




I know its short buts at least its something.

if you have any ideas that you want to show up comment or inbox me^_^




                                                                     <3PEACE<3 XD

My Special Bond With Him (Naruto love story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें