His Birthday!!! part two.

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here you go the next chapter i hope you like it ^_^

~3rd P.O.V~

Alice walked over to naruto's place to celebrate his 8th birthday. She is determine to make it the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!

'I'll protect him and make him happy!' Alice thought as she knocked on Naruto's door. "Come in" naruto said with a hint of nervous in it. When Alice opened the door she notice naruto in a corner of the house. She didn't know what was going on.

Reality is that naruto thought that it was a civilian or a shinobi that wanted to hurt him. Today is one of the most scary days for the blonde boy. It always was and he's sure it always will be.

But when he saw Alice he immediately ran to her and hugged her like life depended on it. He had a couple tears falling out of his ocean blue eyes.

"What's wrong Naru-kun? " Alice asked.

"I thought you were someone that wanted to kill me!" naruto sobbed.

Alice frown she didn't like seeing him like this.

"Ok Naru-kun put your best clothes on!!! I heard we are having a party!!!" Alice said making sure her only friend could be happy again.

"Really!! " And it worked:).

"Yes now come on let the strippers in!!" she yelled

"What!!!! " naruto yelled

"I'm just kidding ......sadly about the strippers" she sighed.

"Come on!! "

The two walked to the park peacefully until a man decided to throw a beer bottle at naruto.

"you should die you de-" he never got to finish.

Seeing this Alice made a warrior scream and attacked the man. The poor man didn't even stand a chance. the sad thing was that he was 30 years old and got beaten up by a 7 year old girl who has absulutly no training in anything what so ever.


How dare he do that to him on his birthday!!!!!

The first thing to do was to attack.

Taught him a lesson ^_^

We reached the park to find a big poster that read 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY NARUTO!!'

I was happy for naruto because for the first time the tears that were shed were not of pain or sorrows but it was of our happiness!!

In front of the poster was old man hokage, and that Anbu guy.....oh and teuchi and ayame.(thew ramen people)

"Happy birthday naruto " greeted old man hokage.

"So you finally turn 8 ne naruto? " I can't tell if that was an insult or a greeting ..stupid Anbu.

It all seemed happy Naru-kun had a smile on his face the whole time.

"Present time!!! " I yelled to everyone.


"OK! me first here" I handed him the fox plushy and the ramen recipe first.

Naru-kun's eyes were shining.

"Wow thanks Ali-chan!! " He tackled me to the floor.

"Naru-kun I got 2 more thing for you!" immediately he got off me.

"Really what is it!!?? "

"Here "

"Uhm who ate these people Ali-chan and what's up with the scroll?" well someone doesn't seem as excited as before :(.

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