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Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN NARUTO!

I did minor correction so it still might have bad grammar. Sorry i haven't updated. I've been Naruto depressed, i mean it ended! Naruto was the first Anime i ever watched and took seriously!


"She was just like Sasuke and me. The three of us kept us balanced. If one of us leaves than we are unstable. She was the girl I loved, something I finally realized. " They need each other. Because without one of them they can't hold in their emotions, they can't concentrate, they can't stop their past from coming back to haunt them. Before he knew it tears start cascading down his face once more 'Damn it!'

"Protect this girl, danger is approaching and we need her and Naruto alive, so pass this on to your brother as well" ordered Shinigami.

Haku once again screams in agony. "Kill me already" he tells Naruto. Naruto never expected someone that actually wants to get killed. Very confused Naruto turns to Sasuke.

Alice slowly started to open her eyes and immediately started coughing.

"Alice!" The three males exclaimed. Their shock morphed into happiness and their eyes started to water. Soon all three shed tears of happiness.

"Hey, guys" she smiled as Naruto took her in his grasp. He hugged her and all she would do was embrace it and hug him back.


It only took one day for Alice's wounds to heal. After all she did get impaled with special senbonds. Naruto cared for her the entire day, but whenever Alice tried to bring up the love confession up Naruto would get nervous and change the subject. In all honesty Sasuke was getting tired of it.


team seven were all at the, now completed, bridge. The villagers were bidding them goodbye, the mission is over. They protected Tazuna long enough for him to finish the bridge. He's safe, his family's safe, and his village is safe and hopeful succecful in the near future.

"Please don't go Naruto-nii!" pleaded Inari as he tried to hold back his tears. Naruto and the rest of the team smile at him, Naruto smiling sadly. "I'll visit, sometime, okay?" Inari couldn' hold back his tears and soon he was crying. "I said I wasn't going to cry!"

"You know Inari-kun, it's okay to cry if you are happy" explained Naruto. He petted Inari's head and turn around. Alice, Sasuke, and Kakashi all smiled as they saw Naruto wipe a couple tears away, he had a soft smile while doing so.

"Well it's time to go" called out Kakashi. The three Benin all went up to him and began to walk away. "Bye!" The villagers all called out. The team all waved back.

As they all walked away they didn't realize that the bridge was being named after their blond team mate.


 Oddly enough the team were taking their time heading back towards Konoha. They decided to walk instead of taking the trees.

"That mission was all over the place!" Exclaimed Alice, which the boys all nod in agreement. The group continues their walk back home. The walk was calm and that is until they were attacked by some shinobi.

"What the-" said a confused Naruto said they try to defend themselves. The people that attacked them were all in a dressed completely in black including a face mask like Kakashi-sensei.

"I don't care what you do to the brat and their sensei, all I want are those two things over there" a masked man said as he pointed to Naruto and Alice towards the end if his command. Hearing a complete stranger call his students who are practically his siblings, made Kakashi angry.

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