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(Smut warning)
(Don't worry, while reading you might think it's Angst but it's not so please do read till the end☺️☺️)

Jungkoook knew all to well that Namjoon didn't like him. The way Namjoon always avoided any sort of contact with him said it clearly. He wouldn't even maintain eye contact and the way he wouldn't give Jungkook even a small chance to speak before he hurriedly left from the place shattered Jungkook's heart. He just wanted to comfort him at his worst, smile beside him at his best, make him laugh till his heart's content as he looked towards the sky and thought," Oh, what a great life!" But all these dreams slowly started crumbling away bit by bit as Namjoon waded away further and further, out of reach. All Jungkook wanted to tell Namjoon now was to be calm and free . They both were working together in the secret unit under the crime branch. Having been partners for long, Jungkook could see how meticulously Namjoon did his work and yet never let out much feelings. He wasn't the type to fight and that's why Namjoon was the forensic scientist of the team and did a splendid job in solving cases effortlessly. On the other hand Jungkook was the captain of the team and was in charge of solving the case using the clues Namjoon gave. Usually the fighting part was always taken care by Jungkook and the other members of the team along with Namjoon were glad to have a hardworking captain like him. The appreciation of being a good captain was all Jungkook ever got from Namjoon. But Jungkook couldn't hold back from falling hard for Namjoon. Looking at the current situation looked like a never ending chase. Jungkook wished Namjoon would at least look at him once and smile , but no. Jungkook didn't want Namjoon to ever feel uncomfortable because of his constant pestering. All Jungkook did was show his love in small ways that he could, but Namjoon noticing them started distancing himself. Jungkook didn't want himself to be a reason for which Namjoon would end up quitting or something, so he just wanted Namjoon to know that he didn't love him anymore. Which was a complete big lie. Jungkook was just falling harder, but he was ready to do anything to make Namjoon stay.

It was a Saturday night and the team was just returning to the office after solving a huge case. The team wasn't totally exhausted as they all filed into their meeting room to close the case. That's when one of the members gave the idea of going to the club to drink. All of them gave a big smile of consent and started going out to their cars except Namjoon and Jungkook. Jungkook was very well aware of the fact that Namjoon didn't drink, but would still hang out with the members when they went out on drinking parties like this. Jungkook always made sure to stay close watching if the members were forcing Namjoon to have a drink or some brick head who was piss drunk was trying to misbehave with his man. Emphasis on "his". Though Namjoon was not his boyfriend, Jungkook was possessive of him and made sure no one was getting too close to what was his. Keeping this in mind he cleared his throat grabbing Namjoon's attention who stirred a bit in his chair before making eye contact with Jungkook for real. The minute Namjoon made eye contact, Jungkook almost fell out of his chair. Oh, how he wished he could drown in those ocean eyes forever. Those pretty lashes batting at him with pure innocence making him keel over in love. This was the first time in months that Namjoon had made proper eye contact with him and Jungkook couldn't get enough of it as he continued to stare back with fondness. Namjoon was the first to look away and Jungkook broke out of his trance shaking his head. When he looked back he swore he saw a small tint of red on Namjoon's cheeks but he ignored that and spoke to him in a calm voice, " All of us deserve this small break so it's ok to go. Don't worry and just loosen up and have some fun. Nobody will force you into anything and you have my word for that." He made sure his words came out as comforting as possible and smiled when Namjoon nodded with the smallest of the smiles tugging at his lips. They both left the office together and both got seated in different cars as they drove to the club.

LOVE DAIRIES //NAMJOON X BTS SMUT//Where stories live. Discover now