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Today is my last day in New York. I came to New York like a year ago. I was a aspiring and young artist exploring the world and getting inspiration from the tiniest of the details. It felt good to paint only what my heart yearned for. Letting my hands and mind free while they painted a beauty and I just completed it. I left Seoul in search of new dreams, a fresh start and also a escape from people always telling me how to lead my life. All they ever preached about was how I should get a 'real job' and settle down and have a family and everything that sits perfect in the eyes of society. But I had my own morals and values and I was strong about it. I spent a year painting and selling my art and it was great at first. But as the months passed by, I couldn't get to sell much of my paintings. People probably lost interest in my art or didn't understand my art. But I wasn't going to give up till the end. I placed my stall and continued to put my art on display which no one has bought since the morning. But the day was still young. I worked too hard to give up and go back to the robotic life and hear all those peoples ' Told you so'. Nope, I'll give it my all so that I leave without any regrets.

I get up and fuss with my display for the millionth time waiting for someone to notice. But then, I don't want to force it, if someone wants my art, they can buy it, or else it's fine. I just sit down in the nearby bench and continue to paint my next painting. That's when I remembered last days news which was all about the famous thieves, The Gilded Poppy. Their leader was known as Thief lord and his guilds news was all  over the channels yesterday as they escape another grand heists. Heartless people stealing innocent art. I feel bad for those artists. As I was lost in my thoughts of the Gilded Poppy,I feel a shadow creep up behind me.

I turn back hurriedly to be met with the most alluring eyes I had ever seen in my life. So sharp, so elegant. The man walks from behind me to my stands and that's when I get a good look of him. He is stunning with dark, artfully tousled hair and gorgeous lips. He's dressed like he is off to the opera, and scans my table with a regal gaze. His suit has a beautiful golden pin in the shape of a pretty flower resting at his chest pocket. I stood there frozen waiting for a reaction, but the stranger's face looks blanker than my mind right now. I quickly snap out of my daydream and go to attend my first customer of the day.

Namjoon: Hello, see anything you like sir? If there are any questions you would like to ask about anything, please do let me know!

The stranger takes his hands out of his pockets and crosses them over his chest and scans through my display again. His hands are covered by high end satin black gloves. He really has some pretty hands, I can say just by looking at the outer texture through the glove. He gestures his hands towards my table and with a flick of his wrists as he responds.

Yoongi: Your display says it all. A fresh art school graduate. The oil paintings? Definitely early works. There's a hesitation in your brushstrokes . You came to start anew and look how well you have flourished. You'd be quite prodigious if you didn't lack the focus.

Ok hold up. Am I supposed to take that as an advice or an insult now. I mean he isn't wrong about anything but how is he so sure. He only scanned my works for about 30 seconds and he has it all on his plate. How? Mysterious but interesting. Yes my curious self really wants to hear more.

Yoongi: You aspire to recreate famous paintings in your own unique version. But your soft strokes and bold colours don't really shout uniqueness in them. You want a little adventure and own rules, often exploring anything and everything. Even if it's in the real world, or your paintings. You could do better, but I won't say it's bad either. You are a budding artist with so much more in store for you Mr?

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