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Jungkook's expression looks so hard that it could probably cut through stone. From behind him, an equally angry Yoongi steps into view and I immediately have the urge to jump into his arms. He looks to me and we lock eyes. His eyes are soft as they look into mine and I can feel him reassuring me just with that. He looks down and his expression grows darker as his eyes sweep my body. Of course he doesn't like the fact that I'm bound to a chair like a psychotic patient. He again locks eyes and I nod with tears in my eyes, telling him that they hurt me. His grip tightens on the gun he is holding and I can see his veins almost pop out of his hands.

Namjoon: Yoongi..

Yoongi: Don't worry, this bastard is about to pay for what he did.

Just then, the other 2 men standing with Gerald lunge forward at Yoongi. Jungkook quickly shoots them before they even move and the 2 men lay on the ground joining the other members as they grunt in pain. Gerald looks utterly displeased with how things didn't go as he planned.

Gerald: How did you even find me?

Yoongi chuckles darkly at that.

Yoongi: Are you really that dull - witted to think that Jungkook wasn't going to follow you after you just grabbed Namjoon and jumped out of a fucking window like that?

Gerald: But the men I sent after you...

Jin: Those dense brained hooligans were no match for any of us. Just because they know how to throw a punch or know how to use a gun, they don't become fighters. I personally feel offended you sent such futile men to attack us.

Jungkook: Such a shame. No one is going to even bury them.

Gerald visibly tenses at the fact that the Poppy killed all his men and infiltrated his base like it was nothing.

Yoongi: Jungkook called us and told everything. And here we are. A chance to finally set everything right.

Gerald removes his own gun from the holster and points it at Yoongi.

Gerald: If I die, you go down with me.

Yoongi: I have to admit Gerald, I'm disappointed. If I were to die by your hands, I would have hoped for something more original. Not like stealing one of my team, and getting your whole team killed in exchange. After all, you have proven to be a much more interesting opponent that I anticipated. Why take such an unsatisfactory victory. You knew taking Namjoon was a dead wrong move, and yet you went down and did it.

Both of them lock eyes and there is so much hate between the gaze that it could pierce glass. That's when Gerald suddenly drops the gun and lunges towards Yoongi with a growl and Yoongi does the same as they meet in the middle. Yoongi is of course the first to land a blow, straight to Gerald's face. Just as they both start to fight, the rest of the Poppy rushes to me and starts untying me from the chains. Meanwhile Jungkook stays rooted to his spot with his gun aiming at Gerald every time he moves.

Jin: That bastard dared to touch you.

I can hear all of them practically grind their teeth as they untie me. The chains fall loose from me and I leap up onto Jin and hug him and start crying. Jin envelopes me in his arms and pats my hair soothingly as I weep in his hold. I feel the other members patting my back reassuringly. I feel one member press a gentle kiss at the back of my head and wordlessly I know it's Taehyung. Just then Jin's while body goes frigid. He gently holds my shoulders and pushes me back from him so that he can properly look into my eyes. When I meet his eyes, instead of worry I see fury in them. I don't understand why he is angry until he asks me.

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