Chronicle 7

56 0 0

Season 1

Episode 2

Part: 2

Location: Incan Archaeological Site, Llactapata, Peru


Skye with her phone out says "Nothing about this anywhere. It's amazing. I searched every data stream. What do you got here, Guys?" She started getting closer to the object about to touch it.

I stopped her as Fitz started saying "Whoa, care-- uh, careful. I-I -- No, wouldn't do that." I looked at Fitz and then pulled her back a little as I said "Don't think that's a good idea."

"The object's placement in fossiliferous rock formation suggests it's been here for at least 1,500 years. That predates this temple by a millennium. Ah! Maybe it's alien," Simmons says excited at the end.

I looked at her. Why is it good that it's alien. "Yeah, but the shape and craftsmanship. It's almost German," Fitz says to her.

We sat here a while as they kept inspecting the box and then Ward said on Coulson's walkie "Sir, we have a situation." I looked at it concerned.

"Lots of rebels in this area," Skye says to Coulson. "Not enough gunfire," He said to her. I looked around waiting for someone to burst in and shoot at us.

Coulson spoke in the walkie and at us as he said "Keep working. I'm on my way." He walked out as I looked at Skye.

"You know why I don't like the aztecs?" I said to her crossing my arm trying to make short talk. "Why?" She asked curious. Fitz even looked up from his tablet curious on where this was going.

"Because their frauds. Scaring people about the 2012 apocalypse. The 2000 apocalypse. They keep thinking the world is going to end and it never does. I don't like how they trick people," I say to her. Everyone looked at me shocked that I knew so much.

I shrugged and said "What?" Fitz was going to say something until something popped up on his screen. "Are you seeing this? It's alive," Fitz says to Simmons.

"Did you just say alive?" I asked him. "Wha-- Alive alive?," Skye said to him too. "It has a functioning power source," Fitz says as he tries to read more deeply. Simmons was checking her screen out now too.

I took a step back as did Skye a little. "Sleepy's reading radionuclides, but they don't match any known isotope," Simmons says after checking her screen and then looks at Fitz as he says "I get temporal matches, but even then, they seem to shift. Is that even possible?"

"Depends on the shifting of the temporal radio stuff, so...." Skye says to them. I just looked at her as she was super smart. "Totally weird right?" She said to us. I nodded and said "yeah."

She breathed out and said "I'm going to go check on Coulson. Alex, come with me?"

"Sure," I said to her. We were about to walk out when Ward walked in and said "We've got company. National police." Simmons looked up from her screen and said "What?" and then Fitz added "Why are they here?"

"They heard about this object. They probably here to protect it. This area has lots of rebel uprisings," Ward said to them.

"Yeah, people are fighting back against the government's mining policies. It's pretty kick-ass," Skye says to him. I smiled as she was excited about this.

"Yeah, It's kick-ass, all the violence," Ward said to her. Skye's smile instantly dropped. "That's not what I'm saying," She said to him. He looked at her and said "No, it's what you're typing in your van alone. You know where it's safe. How much longer?"

The S.H.I.E.L.D. Chronicles of Alex HuaWhere stories live. Discover now