Chronicle 24

28 0 0

Season 1

Episode 7

Part: 1

Location: Helicarrier


I played on my phone as Coulson and the rest just came back from a mission to retrieve some agent. Me, Skye, and Fitz were at the table doing our own things.

So far Skye has stuck to her word and has mostly been by my side only giving me space when I kindly ask for it.

I heard the door open and looked up to see Coulson and Simmons walking in. "Ah. Good, you're done with that paranasal extraction nonsense. Do you need me to analyze the data?" Fitz asked, setting his cup on the table and getting up.

Skye looked up from the tablet she was on and put it down before getting up too with me following suit. Coulson kept walking as he said, "That won't be necessary."

Skye walked with him some as she said "If it's encrypted, I can mine the chip for him." Coulson stopped and turned to us saying "I'm afraid this mission's classified. Clearance level 8." May and Ward also joined us.

"Uh," I said confused as Simmons nodded her understanding before walking away with Fitz. Same with May and Ward.

"Wait what? He can just shut us out of the process like that?" Skye asked, stopping them from walking away.

Fitz said, "Well he did say the mission is level 8." Simmons then said "And we're not. So we can't know about it."

Skye smiled as she said, "Right, but this is normally the part where we all stand around the holocom and we learn about stuff."

"I'm with her. Aren't we all on the same team?" I said to them.

"No need to get started on one of your socialist riffs," Fitz said to her, ignoring me. May even smirk a little at the comment. Simmons faced us and said, "S.H.I.E.L.D.'s whole infrastructure is based on the hierarchy and compartmentalization of intelligence." She then left the room with Fitz.

Ward walked to us and said "Every agent can't have the intel on every mission. Makes the entire organization vulnerable."

"Ok, fine, but if I just fought my way out of an underground Siberian prison, I'd kind of want to know what for," Skye said to him. I pointed at her as I said "Yeah if I almost died for something I wouldn't mind knowing what for."

May had a small smile at us as she said "Coulson's got you two used to the plane, the way we do missions here. The Hub is different."

"The Hub?" Skye asked, confused.

"What's the Hub?" I asked next.

May didn't answer as she walked off, probably going to the pilot room. Skye and I looked at each other confused before sitting back down and waiting for us to reach this 'Hub'.


We soon reached the Hub and landed inside this big carrier. Me and Skye walked out on the balcony and saw it all with many different people moving around. "Wow," She said looking at it. I just huffed as I said, "Now this is something."

"Come on," She said smiling as she grabbed my wrist and started to catch up with the others. We walked with them as we passed tons of people and little cylinders that were foggy looking.

"I didn't realize Big Brother was this big," Skye said to them. Simmons looked at us and said "Oh this is nothing. Wait until you see the Triskelion."

"There's a place bigger than this?" I asked as Fitz nodded his head at me excitedly. Skye looked around and said "Everyone's wearing the same suit. Someone tell me why please?"

The S.H.I.E.L.D. Chronicles of Alex HuaWhere stories live. Discover now