Chronicle 13

44 0 0

Season 1

Episode 3

Part: 4

Location: Republic of Malta


Quinn started talking small talk to us as he showed us his office. He started to be more careful about what he said to us. "My office had less space, more wheels," Skye said to him as she looked around his office. I held back a laugh as I thought about her van.

I looked out the windows as I said "Wow. A view of the ocean and the pool." Quinn looked at me for a little before facing Skye and saying "Not a bad place to do business."

"One champagne," Quinn asked an assistant. It was long before they came back as Quin grabbed it. He handed it to Skye as he walked back to watch. I rolled my eyes as Skye said "Thank you."

She put the drink down before dropping her earpiece in it. I did the same for extra measure just in case he thought I was going to pull something.

"Much better. Haven't felt that 'someone's watching my every move' feeling since I failed my driver's test," Skye said, trying to joke around. "You want to tell me what the hell's going on? S.H.I.E.L.D. got to you?"

Skye comforted herself a little as she said "They picked us up in L.A., we helped them in a crisis, and now they want to recruit us." Quinn picked up the champagne with our earbuds and set it on top of a counter.

"Of course they did," Quinn said as he sat down on a stool near the counter. I realized what Skye was doing as she bumped me a little with her elbow.

"So we played along. Talk about inside info. We have bunks on their plane. We've been gathering intel, biding our time until we become useful. We thought this qualified," I said to him as I started leaning on the couch. I tried to show some confidence. Skye smiled as she walked a little in front of me.

Quinn sat quietly for a moment thinking. "Why would they trust you both with a covert operation like this?" He asked as he looked at Skye, ignoring me once again.

"Something about S.H.I.E.L.D. not breaking international laws. They had no other options, whereas we like to keep ours open," She said to him smiling.

He pointed to the couch as Skye sat down. He stared at me for a while before I sat down next to her. "Hmm maybe because they were afraid of you two," Quinn said to us.

Skye looked at him in disbelief. "You're saying they wanted to rope us in because we pose a genuine threat?" Skye said to him.

"Yes, and fit their profile," Quinn said to us. "Profile?" I said to him, questionable. Quinn shot me a dirty look before looking at Skye and said "Sure. You're both criminals. You have a warrant somewhere."

Skye chuckled and said "probably." I just mumbled, "Not exactly." Quinn continued "Specialized skills set."

"I try to stay humble but fail," Skye said to him smiling. He nodded and said "No family." That hit a cord I didn't think it would. I barely noticed that Skye's smile dropped.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hit a nerve, but that is what these people do. S.H.I.E.L.D. They prey on fear and loneliness and desperation, and then offer a home to those who have no else to turn to. I can offer you two something better," Quinn said to us. I glared at him as he got closer to us, more like closer to Skye. She looked unsettled with this.

"If you stay with us, there's no secrets, no lies, and no agenda. You're free to do what you do. Without big brother watching over you." It looked like Skye was actually thinking about it. She wouldn't though. Right? I stared at him as he sat near us on the couch.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. Chronicles of Alex HuaWhere stories live. Discover now