Chronicle 20

35 0 0

Season 1

Episode 6

Part: 1

Location: Helicarrier


It's been around two weeks since the whole Skye thing and she has earned a lot of her trust back. I don't completely trust her with my life yet, but enough that I let her make me some food.

I went down the stairs and passed Simmons who was giving a physical to Coulson. I walked into the lab and sat in the chair near Skye as she was sitting on the computer.

Ward was mimicking aiming the gun before putting it down and saying "Sorry, Fitz. It's close, but just not right." I looked at him estranged as Fitz looked at the gun and said "Really? Cause Agent Coulson had no problems."

"It's an ounce too heavy," Ward said to him. Skye turned towards him and said "An ounce? Seriously?"

He looked at her and said "It's the difference between success and failure. When your on a rooftop with a 15 mile an hour wind, your target is 500 yards away-"

Fitz interrupted him by saying "Yeah, but we do have a rifle." Ward looked at him with a cold expression and said "lose the ounce." He got up and left as Fitz said "Yeah, okay. On it."

Fitz imitated Ward by saying "'lose the ounce'" as he started messing with the gun. I laughed a little as I said "'I'm agent Grant Ward, and I can shoot the legs off a flea from 500 yards, as long as it's not windy.'"

We all started laughing as Fitz set the gun back on the table. "Hey. That's a sound I haven't heard in a bit," He said to Skye and he's right. She hasn't been a jokester lately.

"Yeah, well, you wouldn't be laughing a whole lot if you're living in Ward's doghouse. I'm happy that at least Alex forgave me some," Skye said to him. I gave her a little smile as Fitz came around and leaned on the table.

"You've made your rounds, apologized to all of us all. What more can he ask?" Fitz said to her. I shook my head as I faced him and said "Trust, Fitz. It's something that's hard to earn, but easy to lose, and once lost it's a challenge to earn back. Not everyone can forgive someone so easily. They can hold grudges."

Fitz nodded understanding a little as Skye said "I mean, I know I lied to you guys, but I was trying to protect my boyfriend." I won't lie, that bothered me a bit but I didn't say anything. He's a terrible boyfriend, but she likes who she likes.

"You know, we all make mistakes. And who ca- cares about your ex-boyfriend?" Fitz said, shrugging some. Ex? I looked at Skye hoping for some explanation.

She ignored it as she got up and said "It's not like I'm comparing Ward to Miles, but at least with Miles I didn't have to worry about passive aggressive stuff. There's no mind games. We spoke the same language, you know?"

I looked at Fitz and he looked at me as I said "Kinda like we do?" Skye smiled at me and said "Exactly. And you and Simmons are so tight, it's like you're physically linked." She said the last part to Fitz.

Fitz waved her off as he said "No, you-- No. Actually, no. I don't think so." Fitz was going to say more until Simmons walked in and said "So Ward was here? Let me guess the night night pistol again?" Fitz nodded at her and said "Yeah, and he said it was off by an ounce."

Simmons just scoffed at him and said "Of course he did." Then she put her hands on her hip and started doing a Ward impression like Fitz and I did. "I'm Agent Grant Ward, and I could rupture your spleen with my left pinky--Blindfolded!"

Skye and I laughed as she said "That was dead on." Then Ward walked in and we all straightened up as I coughed a little to cover up my laughing. "Hey, hustle up and grab your gear. We're on a mission," Ward said to us.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. Chronicles of Alex HuaWhere stories live. Discover now