Chronicle 23

44 0 1

Season 1

Episode 6

Part: 4

Location: Helicarrier


Simmons and Fitz started working hard on that. Everyone came down and watched them work on the vaccine.

I mostly stayed out of their way only handing them things when they asked for them. Mostly everyone else was pacing around the cargo area worried about what was happening inside.

Me and Skye went through three more rounds of Battleship before she and I got too antsy to sit on the ground. Some things started floating again along with the vaccine that was finally done. When all the things dropped, so did the vaccine falling into Fitz's hand.

"May I do the honours?" He asked Simmons. She nodded as he went around her to the last mouse. He put in the machine as he said "Third times a charm."

He grabbed the mouse and put it in him. Everyone waited for the results. I came over and stood a bit away from them as I was getting a little sweaty.

"Come on. Come on," I mumbled as we waited for it to happen. When nothing happened for a minute I thought we were good until a blue flash appeared and the mouse started floating too.

I sucked in a breath as Simmons walked to Coulson. I walked near her to see what was going to happen now as Fitz tried to figure out what went wrong.

"Sir, I know the protocol in these circumstances, but could you please... tell my dad first. I just think my mum would take it better if it comes from him," Simmons said to me as she started crying a little.

"We're not there yet. There's still time," Coulson said to her. Simmons just smiled sadly and said, "Sir, please?"

He nodded sadly as he looked at me and I held my hand up. "I don't...I don't have any loved ones left. It's just me, but can I say. This was one heck of a ride and you sure did get me the front row seats of the wildest circus and that I thank you," I said to him as I sniffed. Coulson nodded at me.

"Would you mind if I had a brief moment alone with Fitz?" Simmons said, crying fully now. They nodded and I said, "Hey, Skye mind if we talk?" She nodded at me as I went to the opposite side of the glass, she followed me crying.

Simmons went to Fitz and started talking to him privately as everyone else left. I looked at Skye as she was crying.

"Don't do that," I said to her, trying to crack a little joke. She sniffed as she wiped her eyes saying "Don't do what?"

"Cry," I said, giving her a small smile. She wiped her eyes again as she said "I can't help that."

I laughed a little as a tear slid down my cheek. "My mother. She was in the hospital a lot. And she had a huge rule about crying about her especially when it came to me. She would always say that if the time came for her to go, that we should be throwing a party instead of a funeral because she's going to a better place and we should be celebrating her life, not crying about it." Skye laughed a little as she said "A very wise woman."

"She was. When we were in the hospital we would play games. Mostly board games, but here and there we would play card games. One time we played Monopoly and she invited the nurse to play because she thought it would be better than just us two."

"Did you win?" Skye asked as she didn't stop the tears from streaming down her face. I shook my head no. "No, I was never good at the money games she was. She would always win. I think that's why her favorite game was Monopoly."

"You don't talk about your mom a lot."

"Cause it hurts. I don't wanna talk about something sad and make it a pity party. I just realized that I want my mom's memory to live on and that I don't want it to end with me. So I'm passing it on to you to keep her memory alive because as long as that's alive so is she," I said to her smiling. She wiped her tears as she looked at me.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. Chronicles of Alex HuaWhere stories live. Discover now