Chapter 19: Round 2

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TWs: Swearing


George POV:

The bell finally rang for my first class, Social class wasn't actually that bad.

I was asking the teacher some questions about the homework. Finally, I left the classroom after talking to Wilbur once I returned to my desk to grab my stuff. Tommy was exiled from the classroom for being loud. So, it was just Wilbur and me.

It was actually kind of funny. As he was walking out he mumbled something along the lines of.

"Not this again, damn you Tubbo"

Anyway, Wilbur was telling about Tubbo and Ranboo. He said that they would be here in 2 weeks and that Tommy had been super excited ever since Phil told them.

We finally left the class and went to English. I sat down at a random desk and pulled out my work for that class. Searching through my bag I realized that I forgot my book in my locker.

I raised my hand.

"Miss, I forgot my book in my locker can I go get it?"

She sighed in annoyance

"Fine, be quick and next time be prepared for class"

"Yes, ma'am"

Quickly I got out of my seat and rushed out the door being as fast as humanly possible.

My lock clicked opened and reached into my locker to grab my book.

When I pulled the book out of the locker, a note slowly fell in front of my feet.

It was another one of the smiley face notes.

I almost forgot about these.

I opened the note, per usual it was a green sticky note or yellow for me. Then, it was signed with a smile just like that last few.

Hey George,

I've enjoyed sending you these notes

But, I would like to talk to you more

Here's my snap, add me


- :)


I never thought I'd figure out who this person is and I have no idea who it could be. Which kinda worried me a bit. For all, I know they could be the biggest douche ever.

Despite my worries, I added them back. Then, I snapped them.

It was a picture of the top of my head with the roof above me. All I wrote was a simple hello since I have no idea who they are.

Patiently I waited by my locker for an answer, I didn't get one.

Then, I remembered that I needed to get back to class. So, I stuffed the note in my pocket like always. Slammed my locker shut, locked it, and hastily returned to my class.

Silently I sat down in my chair trying not to attract too much attention. I pull out my book and start reading it.

Class finally comes to an end, I handed in our project before I left. Our teacher said that she was very impressed with it. Which made me very excited.

Once I got to my locker I pulled out my phone to check my notifications. There still wasn't any, I left it be.

As I was putting my things away, the rest of my friend group could be heard screaming from the other end of the hall. They were all coming in my direction.

Notes with a smile on it // dnfWhere stories live. Discover now