Chapter 21: Snapchatting

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TWs: Swearing


George POV:

The rest of the day was pretty normal. My classes were boring and I got all my work finished per normal. As I said nothing is out of normal.

Although, Karl and Sapnap were acting a little strange, stranger than normal at least. during our afternoon classes, he was quieter than usual.

Other than that he didn't ask me about what happened with Lukas at lunch. I figured he would tease me about it as all my other friends do.

I didn't have a full-on conversation with him till the end of the day at my locker and Karl was there too.

I was shoving my books and things into my locker while Sapnap and Karl waited for me.

"Hurry up George, I want to leave"

Sapnap complained leaning against the locker beside mine. Karl was behind him leaning on his shoulder.

"Okay, okay. Give me one second"

"You said that last time and you took 10 minutes"

"You know you don't have to wait for me. You can go make out with your boyfriend, I don't mean to keep you waiting"

I say teasingly, they both blush, and Karl back off Sapnap's shoulder.

"You know what George maybe I will. Let's go Karl"

Sapna said jokingly

With that, he grabbed Karl's hand and walked away.

Before he was out of earshot. He shouted and continued to make his way to his car in the parking lot.


"I know, I know. I'm coming"

I finished putting my things away and I locked my locker.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out to check thinking that it was maybe from the person who writes the notes.

It wasn't.

It was just Sapnap telling me to hurry up. However, while I had my phone out I decided to text dream about our project.

I had just finished texting Dream as I walked up to Sapnap's car.

They still hadn't seen that I was there yet, they were standing very close to one another. I mean like how close couples stand.


The more I see them the more I think they're dating or something.

When they finally clued in that I was there, Karl moved away.

"So, how was your make-out session"

I said continuing the joke from before.

This time Karl spoke.

"It was great George, wanna hear about it'

"No. No, thank you"

We all laughed, then started talking about some random topic. during that time the rest of our friends showed up and joined in.

I checked the time remembering that I still had to pick up mya from school.

I still had a few minutes cause we were let out of class a little bit early. I figured that I'd get going a bit before seeing as I was a little late the last time I went to pick her up.

I told my friends that I was leaving then I made my way to my car.

I pulled away from the school parking lot and drove to Mya school to pick her up

Notes with a smile on it // dnfOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant