Chapter 30: Reminder

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TWs: Swearing.


George POV:

Yesterday's events were very stressful, though after talking to Smileyman1234. I seemed to calm down. It was kinda odd though, it feels like I already know him.

After I calmed down, I checked my phone and I had a shit ton of messages, I didn't answer them. Nor did I have the energy or the will to. Afterward, I was supposed to go and help out downstairs, but I didn't, I fell asleep.

I think I woke up around 7:00, I don't know.

My room was a mess, I cleaned up a bit and then hopped on my pc. I played Minecraft for a bit, then I got a message from someone I haven't talked to in a long time.

It was Darryl.

He wanted to play Gartic phone so I did, Skeppy was there too along with a few other people. They asked me a bunch of questions about Lukas that I completely ignored cause I was not prepared to deal with them. They caught on after I changed the subject a few times and then stopped. When that finished I didn't do much. I hung around in my room and then eventually fell asleep,

This morning I woke up in a decent mood seeing as it's Christmas break and my mom has the week off.

It wasn't at all like yesterday, it was a lot less stress-inducing for one reason or another. I sat in my bed to see the mess of my bedroom. I had stuff everywhere and most of it is just random trinkets and dirty laundry. The alarm clock on my nightstand had bright red numbers that read 10:00 am.

My phone was on it as well and it still had hundreds of messages from my friends. Most of them were from Dream and Lukas, then the rest of them were from Sapnap and my other friends. I even had a few from Smileyman1234, even though I just talked to him yesterday. I picked up my phone and opened my messages from him.


Good morning George

I just wanted to check up on you to see if you were doing alright

Yeah I'm alright now

Thank you so much for helping me yesterday

No problem

I'm glad you're okay now

Me too

I closed messages.

I get up and walk downstairs to see mom making breakfast humming a random song from the radio.

The smell of her cooking lured me to the table, she smiled at me as I sat down. She seemed to be in a good mood for one reason or another. I had a feeling that there was something important going on today, yet I couldn't figure it out.

Moments later, I could hear footsteps coming from the stairs, Mya was there. She had her phone in her hands and mindlessly sat down beside me. As she sat down my mom turned around and placed two plates of delicious food in front of us.

Now, Mya had clued and that I was sitting beside her. She put down her phone and gave a slight smirk.

"Didn't expect to see you out of bed this early" she teased.

I just rolled my eyes and picked up my fork and began to eat my breakfast. As I was eating the room fell into an uncomfortable silence.

I looked up from my plate of food to see both of them looking at me, as I suspected. They both had a grin on their faces. I set down my fork.

Notes with a smile on it // dnfWhere stories live. Discover now