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The Black Lake was the finest of mirrors, never showing exactly what was above, but converting it to an image so beautifully smudged and broken

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The Black Lake was the finest of mirrors, never showing exactly what was above, but converting it to an image so beautifully smudged and broken. The whomping willow, the cascading mountains, all become a Monet – all free for the looking. It was transient, changing by the day, but that's what made it all the more precious.

Anna Diggory sat at the lakeshore, with her toes dangling in the chilled water. As her feet sent ripples through the aquamarine simulacrum, the reflection of the scenery around her pulsated and flowed. The picture shifting, ever so slightly.

Beside her, Cedric chattered on to his eager father about the secrets beneath the surface of the lake. Anna hummed her acknowledgments throughout his story of the second task, though her mind wandered to the last time she had sat in that spot.

It felt like a lifetime ago since she had sat on that shoreline. Her mind drifted away, and memories flooded back to her. To desperate times, times where she spent hours begging friends not to sacrifice their lives to war. To tearful farewells to friends who would be forced into hiding simply for who their parents were.

Anna listened with partial attention as her husband continued to quip about Cedric's plans after Hogwarts. Even with minimal effort, Anna could hear the annoyance growing in her son's voice as he disregarded his father's remarks. While father and son grew more irritated with each other, a smile kept on Anna's lips.

"What's that, mum?" Cedric asked, his eyebrow perked in his mother's direction. Effectively dispelling Amos from continuing his agenda.

"I'm just admiring the reflection in the water," she said as a coy smile rested on her lips.

The lake's portrait of the landscape had changed very little over the years. But so much in the world had changed since then. And Anna knew, Cedric and Fiona's lives would not mirror her own.

"Oh!" The three Diggorys turned toward the castle to the voice. Professor Sprout was quickly shuffling towards them. Her hat, which normally fell slightly askew on her wild and curly graying hair, was clutched in her hand. "I'm so glad I found you!"

Amos stood up instantly as a wide smile made its way to his face. "Pomona!" He said with a chuckle. Anna smiled at the witch approaching them.

"Hello, Pomona," Anna greeted warmly. Sprout smiled at the group, but the smile did not seem to reach her eyes. Her brows were arched, and her tight jaw served as a warning to Anna.

"I was wondering when you'd come around! Began to think you've forgotten about me," Amos teased with a cheeky grin.

"Oft" Sprout scoffed as her deliberate pace towards them slowed. "I could never forget little Amy Diggory." At the mention of his childhood nickname, Amos's face blushed into a deep shade of red that Anna had not seen in nearly a decade. Cedric turned to his father with a mile-wide grin.


"What can we help you with?" Amos asked quickly, his brows knitted downward, as his eyes avoided Cedric. "They don't already need the Champions, do they?" He asked as his hand fell on Cedric's shoulder.

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