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"That blighter!" Herbert loudly roared over the disgruntle groans that filled the common room

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"That blighter!" Herbert loudly roared over the disgruntle groans that filled the common room.

Cedric had just informed the Hufflepuffs of the finality of the 4th champion.

Harry Potter.


"Just when something brilliant happens for us," Alfie hissed indignantly. "Bloody Potter comes along," He groaned before throwing himself back onto the plush yellow couch in front of the fire. The rest of the Hufflepuff students muttered in agreement. 

"But," Malcolm said, in a calm voice, as he peered around the room. The eyes of every Hufflepuff student (aside from Fiona) fell on the typically quiet sixth-year student. Malcolm glanced at Cedric from the corner of his eye, a broad smile appeared on his face.

"The true champion is our very own!" He slapped Cedric on the back eagerly and the room suddenly burst into applause and cheers. Alfie and Heidi giggled from the couch, passing a bottle of firewhiskey around to the older students while chanting Cedric's name.

Malcolm and Herbert hoisted Cedric onto their shoulders and paraded him around the room, joining in the jolly chants.

Fiona stood by the entrance of the common room. Her initial glee and excitement had faded as soon as Harry's name emerged from the goblet.

Was it worry?

With the announcement of Harry's name, Fiona felt as if something nefarious was afoot. How else could a fourth-year be entered? and Harry Potter. The boy was undoubtedly cursed. After all, truly strange things began happening once he reentered the wizarding world.

And those dreams...

And yet, Fiona wondered if this concern was just her mind's way of masking the green-eyed monster that she tried so hard to silence over the years.

It was hard enough living in Cedric's shadow. He was, by all accounts, perfect. And now Hogwarts Champion was added to his already lengthy resume? She never had any hope of competing against him before, but now...

Fiona's thoughts were interrupted as a bottle of firewhiskey was thrust into her hand, followed by Alfie's words of encouragement to drink up.

She took a giant gulp of the cinnamon-flavored elixir. It burned her throat and set a fire alight in her stomach. She took another large swig, and then another before the bottle was ripped out of her hand.

"Fiona!" Patricia Stimpson hissed in her ear. "Not while the younger students are awake! Alfie! Alfie a word!" Patricia ran off after Alfie, who giggled and danced around the crowd to avoid the prefect's wrath.

Amid the joyous celebration, Fiona was able to slip out of the room, unnoticed.

She wanted to be alone - or at least away from her brother's adoring fans.

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