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-A Few Months Later-

"[Name], give us a sexy look!" I looked at the camera with half lidded eyes and bit my bottom lip as I lay on a bed. I hate this, literally. "GOOD! That's great, sweetie!" The cameraman snapped a whole bunch of photo's, the light blinding my eyes.

"Wow. . .she looks great!" One of the staff members muttered.

"Alright, you can take a break [Name]. I'll be in the next room looking at the pictures," the cameraman said excitedly and dashed away. All of the staffs followed the cameraman, leaving me alone.

I sighed and fixed my bra. Yes, my bra. I was wearing lingerie for the photo shoot. To be honest, it is a bit embarrassing, but I have to deal with it. ". . .Wow." I looked up to meet familiar turquoise orbs.

"Eren?!" I scrambled to cover myself and narrowed my eyes a him. "What're you doing here?"

"I was asked for a photo shoot. . . ," he stated, calmly.

"Oh, goodie, goodie! Eren-dear! You're here!" The cameraman excitedly said. The cameraman ushers Eren to the dressing room and tells one of the female staff something. He comes back to me and tells me to take a small break.

I sit on a chair behind the cameras with a blanket over my body. Eren comes out of the room with his Survey Corps costume on, a calm expression on his face. "[Name]-san, doesn't Eren-kun look absolutely gorgeous?" One of the female staffs say dreamily.

I smile a little and nod, skeptical. The cameraman orders Eren to take off his collar shirt and leave his pants on. All the girls secretly squeal at the sight of his naked chest. Wow. He has them muscles. I stare at him as he poses for the camera. His back faces the camera and heturns his head to the side, only the left side of his face showing. I had to admit, he looks really. . .attractive.

"That's perfect right there! Stay in that pose!" The cameraman continuously clicks the shutter and the light flashes on, blinding my eyes. How can Eren deal with all that flashing? After a few minutes the cameraman calls me over.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Is it okay if I have you and Eren Jaeger in a photo together?" He asks, a grin plastered on his face. I can't say no to a smiling face. . .well if it's Jean I would deny straight out.

Jean and his horse face shit eating grin.

"Sure, I don't mind," I say with a small smile. The cameraman calls over Eren and tells him about it.

"Okay," Eren calmly says.

Eren seems really calm today. Really calm. The cameraman takes the blanket I wrapped around my body and ushers me onto the bed. "Now lay down on your side [Name]." I do as I'm told and lay down on my side. "Eren get behind her and embrace her from behind." To be very honest, this was my first time modeling with a guy. What? It's not like I get requests like this. Eren casually embraces me from behind and stays still. To be very honest, this was my first time modeling with a guy. What? It's not like I get requests like this. Eren casually embraces me from behind and stays still.

Ahh. This is a bit embarrassing, considering I'm wearing lingerie. I timidly look at Eren and see that he's already looking at me. CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! The cameraman clicks the shutter multiple times. Eren suddenly gets up and off the bed. I sit up and watch him walk to the dressing room. I wonder what's with Eren today. . . .

After I finish changing, I walk out of the photo shoot building and realize it's already night time. I see something in the corner of my eye. I turn my head and see Eren! "Eren!" I shout his name and walk up to him. He doesn't turn around. "Hey, Eren! Stop for a minute!" He stops and looks over his shoulder.

". . .What?"

"Geez. At least reply," I say with a pout and cross my arms. A look of trouble crosses his expression and he turns back around in a hurry. "Eren, what's wrong?" I asked in a serious tone. Something is seriously wrong.

"It's nothing. I have to leave," his voice sounded a bit strain. He power walks away and I stand there confused and worried.

-Two Days Later-

Hajime had invited the whole Attack on Titan cast to the rehearsing studio. I walk inside the studio and find everyone already there. I squeeze through the crowd and stand in between Jean and Levi in the front. "What's going on?" I whisper over to Jean.

"Not sure. Everyone is confused," Jean replies back, a serious look on his face.

Hajime appears out of nowhere with a depressed expression. "Hello. . .everybody," he dully says, slouching.

"HAJIME, WHAT'S WRONG?!" Connie shouts.

Hajime doesn't even look us in the eye. His gaze stays glued to the floor. "Hajime, what happened? Did your relative pass away?" Armin questions softly.

"Tell us, Isayama! I'll stuff you with potatoes!" Sasha shouts, impatiently.

I look around and realize one person isn't here. Eren Jaeger. Where is he? Hajime sighs real loudly and then opens his mouth. "Apparently, Eren will not be starring in Attack on Titan anymore."

"WHHHAAAAAAAATTTTTTT?!" Everyone shouts in surprise.

"JAEGER BOMBASTIC IS LEAVING? HELL NO HE AINT!" Jean shouts and runs out meanwhile pushing people and yelling out, "MOVE BITCH!"

I stand there shocked and feel my heart drop. Eren isn't going to. . . ? Why?

"Finally. I don't have to clean his shit anymore," Levi mutters. Narrator: But, deep inside Levi was a bit sad. "Like hell I am," Levi scowls.

I ball my hands and run out of the studio, carefully pushing people out of the way. Eren! What he hell do you think you're doing?! I clench my jaw and run to the parking lot. I get in my car and drive towards his house.

Jaeger Bombastic is about to eat shit!!!! I tighten my grip on the wheel.

Author's Note: Short chapter. Sorry. :( But, can you guess why Eren has decided what he's decided? Stay tuned for the next chapter ;)

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