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"[Name], you ready?" I hear Sasha call out to me from outside of the bathroom.

"No, five more minutes!"

"YOU'VE BEEN SAYING THAT FOR 45 MINUTES!" She groans and the door thuds. I'm guessing she hit the door with her head.

"There's potato salad in the fridge. Fill yourself up while I get ready!"

"WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO BEFORE?" I hear rapid foot steps and the fridge opening loudly. "IT'S MY POTATO BAE!" I look at myself in the mirror and laugh. I look pretty good. I twirl around in the mirror and fix my hair a bit.

"We'll be late for the Halloween party! Hurry your ass up!" Ymir shouts.

"If you keep rushing me, I'll take longer, Ymir!" I stare at my costume. Apparently, I'm Pikachu for Halloween! [I was Pikachu last year lol.] I step out of the bathroom and smile at the four girls that are waiting for me. Sasha was dressed as a. . .potato, Ymir is a black sexy cat, Krista is a kawaii bunny, and Mikasa is Eren. . . . Okay then. "Ready, guys?" I excitedly ask. They all look at me and nod at each other approvingly.

"Nice. Pikachu, eh?" Sasha says with her mouth full. She pushes the potato salad in the fridge and swallows the remains in her mouth. "Let's go!"

"Krista, babe, you look hot," Ymir says, slinging an arm around Krista's shoulder as we head out of my house. Krista blushes and fixes her white shorts.

"Thank you, Ymir," she shyly replies.

"Please, no. Do that when we get at the party," Mikasa murmurs. Ymir sticks her tongue out at Mikasa and gets in the car with Krista.

"[Name]'s driving!' Sasha shouts, sliding in the passenger seat. Ymir sighs in relief along with Mikasa.

"Good, because we'd die if Sasha drove," Ymir says. I roll my eyes and get in the drivers seat and drive to Reiner's mansion.

"I wonder what my Connie bear is for Halloween!" Sasha gushes.

"Not Aang from Airbender I hope," Ymir says with a snicker. I laugh at that.

"He suits that very well," I say. Sasha shrugs.

"I hope he's a bear. . .or something relevant to potatoes," Sasha mutters.

"Potatoes aren't everything, Sasha," Mikasa says with a small smile.

"It's almost 7:00!" Krista points out. I glance at the clock and shrug.

"Who cares? They have plenty of people there. Probably only the AoT cast," I say.

"You didn't know, [Name]?" Ymir juts in. I raise a brow. "There's gonna be other people there from other shows y'know. . . ."

"WE'RE RACING THERE, GUYS!" I shout and step on the accelerating pedal.

"That's the spirit!" Sasha cheers. "I really want to see Connie bear!"

"We're here!" Krista shouts.

"Yes, we know Historia," Ymir murmurs.

"Stop calling me that, Ymir," Krista gets out of the car after Mikasa. I quickly get out of the car and sprint to Reiner's mansion, knocking on the door. If Rin Okumura appears in front of the door again, I'll die of happiness. The door opens and there is. . .a horse. . .no, wait, it's Marco.

"Hi, [Name]-chan!" He greets with a gentle smile. Goddamn Freckled Jesus. I smile at him and give him a wave.

"Hey there, Marco!" He steps to the side and lets me in, greeting the other girls also.

"CONNIE BEAR! WHERE YOU AT?!" Sasha shouts.

No one replies and Sasha sighs. "This calls for drastic measures!" Sasha cups her mouth and shouts as loud as she can. "SASHA SUCKS!"

"WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT?" Connie appears, pushing people out of the way with an angry look.

"There he is!" Sasha skips to him and then stops in her tracks. "CONNIE MAKES SUCH A CUTE LETTUCE!" She hugs him and smiles. Ymir laughs out loud.

"Perfect. Potato salad!" Ymir says.

"But, Connie is a lettuce," Krista says.

"No, no, no. Salad! Now, Krista we shall get drunk!" Ymir drags Krista away.

"Just where is Eren?" I mutter, pushing through the crowd of people.

"HEY, I FOUND HER! I FOUND [NAME]!" A voice shouts and a blur of black is in front of me. "Yukine, Hiyori hurry up! She's here! You guys really wanted to see her!" My eyes widen in surprise. It was Yato from Noragami! It wasn't the first time you seen him, but you get to speak to him much better!

"Hey, Yato!" I greet. He was dressed as Hercules. . .I think. He puts his arms around my shoulders and smiles.

"Meet Hiyori and Yukine!" Hiyori dressed as a pink fairy and Yukine dressed as a nine tailed fox. I smile at the two.

"Hi, Hiyori and Yukine! I'm a big fan! Actually, I'm a big fan of almost all of the other anime shows!" I say. Hiyori happily smiles.

"You're my inspiration, [Name]! It's my first time meeting you! I've only been in Noragami for a year, but it's such a honor to meet you!" She says with such happiness. I look at Yukine, who's blushing slightly.

"Hello Yukine!" I greet. He seems to be even more embarrassed.

"H-hi, [Name]! Uh, it's a pleasure to meet you," he murmurs. I laugh a little.

"You don't need to be so shy!"

"Yukine has a huge crush on you, [Name]!" Yato blurts with a huge grin. Yukine turns red and slaps Yato on the head.

"Shut up, Yato!"

"Y-Yukine, I was just telling her the truth!"

"Sometimes I don't want the truth to be out, okay?!"

"Ugh," Hiyori smiles apologetically. "Sorry about this [Name]! I'll see you later!" She grabs both of their ears and drags them away.

"Eren sucks!" I hear a shout. Mikasa comes out of nowhere beside me, pushing people.


"Oh, WRONG PERSON! I was expecting someone else!" I know that voice too well. . . . "Mikasa, have you seen [Name]?" Mikasa doesn't respond and walks away. I see Jean's troubled expression through the crowd and decide to do a little something. I creep up to him and notice his outfit. What. The. Hell? I stop walking and just stare at him. Jean turns around and meets my eyes. "There you are, [Name]! I've been looking for your stupid ass!"

"Just. . .what the heck?" I mutter, looking him up and down.

"Oh, yeah. Like my costume? I'm a stallion/horse!"

"I know you're a horse, but I'd never expect you to actually dress like one. . .even though you already are one. . . ."

"I lost a damn bet. have to wear this for the whole night," he pouts and crosses his arms.

"By the way, have you seen Eren?" I ask.

"Hmmmm. . .I don't think so. . .wait. . .no."

"Oh o--"

"WAIT, YES! Yes, I saw him out in the backyard! He was with Armin and Levi. By the way, you should check out Levi's outfit!" Jean gallops away neighing his way out.

"Bye?" I say and head to the backyard. There were so many famous people here, but I really want to see Eren first. There were a whole bunch of people outside, so it was hard to spot Eren.

"Excuse me, miss?" I turn around hearing a deep voice. I see a man with glasses staring at me with a big grin. "Hey! [Name]!" I tilt my head in confusion.

"Do I know you. . . ?" I ask.

"Yea, of course! We were friends back then, remember?"

"Wait, I have a bunch of friends. . .are you Andy?" I guess. He chuckles and takes off his glasses. I narrow my eyes and shake my head. "You don't seem familiar. . .besides your aura. . . ," I say.

"It's me. . .Aaron!" In an instant, my brain clicks.

"Oh my gosh! Hi, Aaron! What're you doing here?!" I hug him a little with a big smile.

"I'm a novelist. You never read my book?"

"I didn't know that! Wow!" I take a good look at him. "You've become quite handsome!"

"You've become gorgeous," he says with a cheeky smile. I laugh.

"Thank you, Aaron. Wow. . .I never thought I'd see you again."

"Yea, must be fate," he says.

"[Name] there you are!" Eren comes up from behind Aaron and hugs me. "I've been looking for you all over." He lets go of me and notices Aaron. "This guy a friend?" Aaron smiles.

"I'm [Name]'s old friend, Aaron," he answers and puts his glasses back on.

"Nice to meet you, Aaron. I'm Eren." I notice Eren's costume and squeal.

"Ahh! You look so cute, Eren!" I fluff his ears on his head. "You make such a cute wolf!" His cheeks flush pink.

"Ahhh, you guys are going out?" Aaron juts in.

"Yea, you never knew?" I ask, holding Eren's hand.

"That's too bad. I wanted to take you back, [Name]. Oh well, see you later!" Aaron leaves with a smile and disappears in the crowd. Eren stares at him and then looks at me.

"I don't. . .like him," he says. I puff one cheek out.

"I don't know. I think I like him," I joke. He pouts and clings onto me.

"Yea, right! You love me more! You'll love me forever!"

"Look who's becoming a yandere now. . . ," I mutter. Eren grins.

"Yandere for my [Name]!" He gives my cheek a huge kiss. "EREN LOVES [NAME] VERY MUCH! EVERYONE EREN LOVES [NAME]!" I giggle and pat his cheeks.

"Ereeeeen~ stoppppp!" I slump and Eren hols onto my waist tightly.

"Oh no! [Name] is melting with love! I'll help you!" Actors and actresses watches us in amusement and some in a little of disgust *cough*LEVI*cough*.

"Eren, nooo!" I laugh as he starts to run with me in his arms.


Author's Note: Omfg these ErenxReader moments are so fudging cute. ONLY CAUSE I'M CUTE. . .lol just kidding. But, hey you met your hot asss childhood friend. . .but Eren is still hotter so whatever. Enjoy this beautiful chapter, Chibi's!

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