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My eyes widen in shock and before I know what I'm doing, I'm shaking Eren awake. "Eren. . . !" His eyes open with a start and he looks around. "Eren, are you okay?!" His gaze stops on me and a relieved look flashes in his turqoise orbs.

"[Name]. . .what're you doing here?" He sleepily asks. I grab his hand and hold it tight. I'm not leaving for anyone. No one, okay, Eren? I squeeze his hand gently and smile.

"I came to tell you something," I answer. He hums, urging me to continue. "I actually was asked to star in a movie. It's another romance movie, but with someone we know. . . ," I trail off.

His eyes widen. "Not Jean, right?!" I squueze his big hand again.

"No, of course not. Someone worse," I jokingly say. He seems uneasy. "But, don't worry! It's just work, after all my heart belongs to you," I state, making Eren's cheeks flush.

". . .It's Levi, isn't it?" He questions.


"At least it aint horse face, so I feel okay. Levi isn't even good with women," Eren murmurs.

"You aren't either," I tease. He glares at me.

"I am, too! What the hell? Explain how you fell in love with me then!" He remarks. I smirk.

"You want to know?"

"Yea, sure."

"I realized I fell in love with you when you almost left for Paris. I knew it that all the heart aches, fluttering feeling was because of you. Eren Jaeger, you are the love of my life!" I shout the last sentence with a small giggle. He looks away, his face and ears red.

". . .Y-you. . . ," he stutters, his gaze still turned to the wall. I smirk in triumph. Then suddenly the world tilts and all I can see is Eren's face. His hands pin my wrist down, his body hovering over mine. "You're not supposed to be cute without my consent," he says. I stare at him in surprise and my face flushes. I can't believe I'm blushing right now, I should be the dominant one!!!!!! "This time I'm not holding back."

Holy shit. No turning back now. Oh shit, oh crap, oh shiet. What should I do?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Eren gazes into my eyes a hungry look in his eyes and I can't help, but melt under his gaze. He leans in and kisses me, hungrily.

"Mmmm," I hum, kissing back. He pulls away panting heavily and smiles gently at me.

"No objections?" He asks despite what he said earlier. Awwh, what a sweet heart. I smile shyly and shake my head then he kisses me again, his kisses so sweet and warm.

That hot, passionate night we became one. [;;;))))))))))]

I feel something touch my forehead and I furrow my brows, slowly opening my eyes. There, I see a half naked Eren staring at me with his beautiful turquoise orbs. "Good morning, Eren," I greet, my voice hoarse.

". . .Good morning," He softly says with a gentle smile. I suddenly remember the wild night we had together and grin a little. "What's with that grin?" I shrug.

"I was looking forward to seeing you in an apron cooking pancakes, y'know?" I jokingly say. He turns red and looks away.

"Why do you always so such embarrassing stuff?"

"Says the hot headed guy from last night," I tease.

". . .Do you want to awake the titan again?"

"Nope." I laugh and roll out of bed, still in my bra and underwear. "I gotta get ready for a photo shoot," I say, heading to the bathroom.

"Mmkay," Eren mumbles, snuggling in the bed. After I'm done with my morning routine, I head to the beach for my photo shoot after saying goodbye to my beloved.

-At the photo shoot-

"Now, give me a wink!" The photographer says, continuously clicking the shutter as I give him the poses he asks for. "Beautiful! Gorgeous! Give me more!"

"YEAAA! YOU GOOOO! GOOOO EREN'S WIFE!" Jean cheers behind the photographer. The photographer must be a good at avoiding people because he hasn't even rolled his eyes or clenched his jaw."YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAA! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! LOOK AT THIS SEXY BITCH!"

I had to prevent myself from strangling Jean. Why is he here? The sun kisses down on my skin as I pose on the beach. After I had finished with my photo shoot, the photographer lets me see the photos. They were all nicely taken. . .besides one that was photobombed by Jean. The photographer lets me leave, so I change back into my casual attire.

I wonder what Eren is doing right now. . . . Is he at an interview or still at his home? "Oi, [Name]."

"I wonder if he's thinking about me. . . ," I murmur.


"Eren. . . ."

"YO?!" I turn to the right and find Jean's face very, very close to mine. I freeze in shock, my eyes wide. Jean seems to be in shock also because he stares at me with wide eyes also. I take a step back and tuck a strand of [h/c] hair behind my ear while clearing my throat.

"Well, I'll be leaving now, so see you later Jean," I murmur and walk away from him, heading to the parking lot. I look back over my shoulder and see Jean looking down with his fists clenched. I wonder what's wrong with him. Lately, he's been acting a bit strange, but sometimes he'll be himself again. So, I wonder.

What's wrong with Jean?

Author's Note: Sorry, it's short haha. Click the next chapter!

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