S i x t e e n

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I bite my lip hard, stepping on the accelerating pedal. Eren you mother trucker, you better not leave! The speed limit sign passed and I was definitely over the speed limit (It read 65). I was going at 85 mph because I'm a badass and have to get Eren. My god, my god, I'm panicking! I can see the airport from afar and cross my fingers on the steering wheel.

Maybe some radio would help. I tap on a button and 'Love Me Like You Do' comes on.

What're you waitng for?

"Love me like you do, la-la-love me like you do!" I sing, trying to get my mind off for a bit.

PICK THE PHONE UP, BITCH! PICK IT UP, PICK IT UP, PICK IT UP! My phone rang with Jean's voice. What the hell is he calling for? I turn off the radio and pick up the phone. "WHERE YOU AT?"

"GODDAMMIT, JEAN! I'M GETTING EREN!" I shout, looking up at a sign that said, Los Angeles Airport next 3 exits.

". . .Oh. Go get him back! Go get him for me!!!" Jean suddenly says softly.

"Y-yea, thanks?" That was really unexpected to be honest.


"Right! Thanks, Jean!" I say, pumped up. I head for the exit towards the airport.

-3 minutes later-

I jump out of the car and hurriedly lock the car before heading towards the glass sliding doors. I grab my phone and dial Eren's number and run around, searching for him. I don't hear his ringtone. Where could he be?

"Eren!" I shout, holding the phone to my ear. I look at a schedule and look for Paris, France 7:00. Where?! Where is it?!

There! I see the name and run towards the gate. The gate is probably 2 minutes away? I ignore how many minutes for time being and just run.

Tears begin to prickle my eyes. Eren, you can't leave! Especially since I haven't told you how I felt yet! I try to work my legs faster and make a sharp right. "Paris, France for 7:00 it is almost time for departion. Please head to your plane now," the intercom speaks, making things even more worse for me. I see the gate in view and see a whole bunch of people walking there. Ah! Dammit!

"Eren!" I shout. I search for brown hair, but there were too many! "EREN!" I sprint towards the crowd, accidently shoving people. I stand in the middle and turn around, searching for him desperately. "Eren!" But, my voice drowns from the crowd. The crowd pushes me around and I grunt when someone steps on my foot. Suddenly, a hand grasps my arm and takes me out of the crowd.

I gasp and look up only to see. . . "Levi?!" I blurt. Levi puts a finger to his lips.

"Be quiet, brat!" He hisses and jabs a thumb behind him. I look behind him and see papparazzi.

"A-ah, sorry," I whisper. I realize he's in a disguise and he puts on a stray hat on my head.

"The whole SnK crew is here. So, go look for him," Levi gently pushes me toward the gate. I bite my lip and nod.

"Okay!" I run through the gate and ignore the security guards, that clumsily chases after me. "Eren!" I sprint faster than ever and see the entrance to the plane. A woman walks out and begins to close the door. "WAIT! EXCUSE ME!" I scream and stop her from closing the door. I rush past her and all eyes in the plane go on me. "Eren! Where are you?!" The security guards from before grab my arms and try to pull me out of the plane. "No! Eren! Eren!!!" I shout, kicking my legs.

"[Name]?" A familiar voice suddenly speaks. I look towards the back and see Eren standing there, a shocked expression on his face.

"E-Eren!" The security guards pull me and I reach my arm out to Eren. "W-wait, Eren! I need to speak to you!" Eren looks at me confused.

"U-uh, can you let her go?" The bodyguards let me go and stay close to me.

"Eren, you need to come back!" I say, and reach out a hand toward him. He stared at me with sorrowful eyes.

"Why'd you come after me. . .?"

"Is this some kind of movie scene?" Passengers began to whisper.

"It's [Name] [Surname] and Eren Jaeger!!!!"

I walk forward and grab his hands. "Please. . .come back!" I plead, tightly grasping his big hands. I can see passengers video taping us, but I didn't care. My mind was set on bringing Eren back.

"I can't," he whispers, looking down. I move in closer and my hands began to move on their own. My hands cupped his cheeks. I gaze into his turqoise eyes.

"I thought Eren Jaeger never gives up?!" I shout. His eyes widen and a twinkle lights up in his eyes. "That man who said follow what your heart wants, where is he? All I see is a man who's given up his dream because of a girl, a man who's just let go of everything. This is not Eren Jaeger. I know Eren Jaeger wouldn't give up so easily like this, bring back Eren Jaeger!"

Eren's eyes were widened in shock and realization. ". . .[Name]. . . ," he whispers, his hands gripping at my waist. Then, he pulls me in for an embrace. My eyes widen and I slowly wrap my arms around his back.

"This is so. . . ," there were people sniffing, their eyes watery.

"HOLY SHIT, MAN! I need two more boxes of tissue!" A really familiar voice shouted, sniffing.

"Thank you, [Name], but I still can't. . . ," Eren whispers in my ear. My body goes limp and I lean against him. It was hopeless. I bury my face in his chest and breathe in his scent before pulling away to look him in the eye.

"If you really want to go. . .or more like have to go. . .then I'll leave you be," I say, backing away.
"I just have to say one thing, Eren." I turn my back to him and look ahead of me to see the SnK cast there, looking gloomy. "Attack on Titan won't be the same without you. . . ."

"Eren," Mikasa murmurs. I look over my shoulder and see Mikasa approach Eren. "You have to stay," her eyes began to water and I shut my eyes tightly, leaving the plane. Seeing the look in her eyes, she was probably gonna confess her love to him. I mean, it was obvious Mikasa had a thing for Eren.

I take a deep breath and leave the gate and head towards the exit.

"WAIT, [NAME]!!!!" I can hear all of the SnK cast call out to me, but right now I wanted alone time.


Eren? I turn around and see. . . .

Author's Note: My gawd this chapter was lacky! I got lazy towards the ending. I dunno. My thumbs got tired lmao. AKBDNDKCNS F see? They're tired. Sorry for not updating as often. Voltage Inc is officially taking over my life and I don't know what to do. XD Sorry!

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