N i n e

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I forgot to answer my question for you guys lol. My favorite story is Kaleidoscope Eyes story got me tingling and all. My first Antonio Carriedo fanfic and it is great! (Plus, I drew that, but I guess it's alright. I was so bored one day that I just drew Eren and reader-chan (you). Do not steal it. [not like anyone would lmfao] Please ask for permission first. I hope you guys like it! [and Eren's big ass head lmfao])

The ambulance stops in front of the hospital and the dudes quickly escort the stretcher Eren is laying down on, in the hospital. "Someone get Dr. Sezaki!" A nurse shouts to another nurse. I follow after stretcher to an emergency room and then they block me.

"I'm sorry, miss, but you cannot go inside. Please wait out here," a doctor gently says as I nod, panicking inside.

"Please, help him, doctor!" I cry, as the doctor walks towards the door. He turns around and nods, then enters the ER. I pace down the hallway, my hands on my head.

"[Name]!" I hear Jean call. I continue pacing, worried about Eren. Jean begins to shake my shoulders and I look up at Jean with teary eyes. "[Name], it'll be okay! I know Eren won't leave you. I know!" Jean says, firmly gripping my shoulders.

"I'm scared. I'm so scared, Jean. I-I don't know what I'll do if h-he," big fat tears start rolling down my cheeks.

"Don't think so negative. Keep it on the positive side."

". . . ." I walk towards a chair and plop down on it. The soft cushion doesn't feel soft at all, the room doesn't look so white. Everything is just. . .dark. Before I know it, I fall asleep.

"Are you going to wake her up?"

"Uh, I think I should leave her sleeping. She's pretty exhausted. . . ."

"Well, I just came to say that you are allowed to step foot in Eren's room. His wound is patched up."

Hearing that, my eyes begin to flutter open. I look at the doctor in front of me and he smiles slightly when he sees me awake. I sit up straight and stretch. "Well, she's awake now," Jean says with a small smile. I look straight at the doctor.

"Is he fine? Okay? Great?" I say with concern.

"Yes, Eren is fine. I'll be his doctor until he is allowed to leave. I'm Dr. Sezaki by the way," his dark brown hair sways when he moves his head.

"Can you tell me what room number Eren is in?" I inquire, standing up. Dr. Sezaki gives me a slip of paper. I bow my head and run. It's on the eight floor. I can hear footsteps behind me and look back to see Jean running also. When I make it to the eighth floor, I look for the room number 876. "876. 876. 876. Nope, nope, nope, nope. Here!" I stop in front of the door and my heart clenches. This is the room Eren is in right now. He's pretty much sleeping. I grab the handle and open the door, feeling the cold air hit my face. Then, there he is. Eren is sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed, iv needles in his arms. I walk towards him and grab his hand, putting his hand on my cheek. "Eren. . . ."

Again, tears pool in my [e/c] orbs, seeing him on the hospital bed. Seeing someone you love on the hospital bed is so heartbreaking. . .well, depending on the situation. "I'm so sorry, [Name]," I hear Jean say. I crane my head to him and see a tear leave his eye. "I never meant for this to happen. . . ," he mumbles.

"You. . .you were forced, right?" I ask.

"Yea, 80% forced and 20% on purpose," he says honestly. I nod and sigh.

"At least you're honest," I mutter. I see Jean stand on the other side of the bed and look at him. Jean bitterly smiles at Eren and begins talking.

Just A Shipping, Right? [Actor!Eren x Acress!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now