T h r e e

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[Those photo's aren't mine! The original was Levi. XD I don't know who drew this, but I edited it. I have such skills, I know. xD Anyways, this is for you guys! I found it on Facebook, so. . . yeah.]

"I'm home, Eren!" I call as I close the door and take off my shoes. Footsteps come toward the entranceway, and Eren appears in my [favorite apron]. "What's this?" I ask, putting my purse down.

His face flushes in embarassment and I smile. "I didn't know you were coming yet. I thought you were going home first, but I guess not."

"Well, what a sight to see!" I tease. He furrows his brows and crossed his arms.

"Well, it's not like I did it for you!" He huffs and walks in the kitchen. I giggle and follow after.

"I didn't think you'd cook for me! What're you making?" I ask, hugging him from behind as he stands in front of the oven. He looks me over his shoulder and grins.


"When did you learn?"

"Levi gave me a cook book, that I asked for."

"Ohhh, okay. I see. I thought you'd ask Jean or something."

"Hell no, not Horse face."

I laugh and give Eren a kiss on the cheek. "I'm gonna go take a shower. Be right back!" I jog towards the shower and get a towel ready along with clothes [eren's clothes to be precise xD]. Just as I'm about to turn on the shower a sight in the toilet makes me gag.

"EREN!" I run towards the kitchen, but see no one. Eren comes running in the kitchen in a hurry.

"What's wro--"

"NO! NO! NO! YOU TAKE A SHIT IN THE FREAKING TOILET AND DONT EVEN BOTHER TO FLUSH IT? Do you know how nasty that is?!" I shout. Eren gets red in the face and stomps his feet.

"What're you talking about? I didn't take a shit!"

We begin bickering back and forth until Eren throws my favorite mug on the tile floor.

"STUPID EREN!" I grab his favorite plate and throw it to the floor also.

We stare at each other for a while and then throw ourselves to each other. "I'M SORRY!" We simultaneously apologize. Right when we hug, we hear a noise from under the sink and look to see a phone through the cabinet.

". . .Grab a knife [Name]," Eren whispers, as I comply and grab a knife. Suddenly the cabinet flys open and a really familiar man appears.

"JEAN?!" I shriek.

"What're you doing here, Horse face?" Eren asks.

Jean sheepishly smiles and opens his mouth. "Well, actually. . .I. . .uh y'know took that. . .dumpinthetoilet!" He stands up and turns his back to us then holds his phone out in front of him. "BUT FIRST, letmetakeaselfie!"

"JEAN, YOU!" I make a go after him, but he's already out the door before I get to lecture him. "YOU DIDNT FLUSH THE TOILET!" I sigh and stomp my left leg and put the knife away. "Next time, he's gonna get it."

"Definitely," Eren says with a sigh and checks on the lasagna.

"Hey, Eren, you love me, right?" I ask, fluttering my eyelashes. He looks at me and nods, cheeks pink.

"Of course, I love you."

"You'd do anything for me?"


"Alright, now go flush that toilet."


"You said you'd do anything for me," I remind, smirking.

"But, I didn't agree, I just said, 'basically'," he argues.

"That's basically agreeing. If you flush the toilet, FREE SEX!" I blurt and cover my mouth. "Wai--"

"CAN'T MISS THIS CHANCE!" Eren sprints to the bathroom and I chase him with my eyes. Goddammit, why'd I say that?! And free sex? Really, [Name]? Omfgintfsmfwrboeikab (Oh my fucking god I need to fucking stuff my face with rice balls or else I'll kill a bitch).

I hear the toilet flush and then a yell. "THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A GODDAMN HORSE TAKES A SHIT IN OUR TOILET! IT FREAKING FLOODS!" I hear water splashing and some grunts.

He's putting lots of effort for that. I call Jean, waiting for him to pick up.

"H-hello?" He shakily asks.

"Where is your ass right now?"

"Somewhere where you can never find me."

"Marco's house."

". . .What are you? Levi?"

"No, just a guess. I know that you love Marco, but didn't think you'd actually be at his house."

"STUPID HORSE FACE! HE CAN KISS MY TITAN BALLS!" Eren shouts, water splashing from the bathroom.

"Jean your poop is causing a problem here."

"Titan's don't have any balls, Jaeger!" Jean shouts through the phone.

"Hi, [Name]-chan!" Marco shouts in the background with his sweet voice. Awhh.

"Hi, Marco! Please tell your boyfriend to come clean his poop."

"J-Jean is not my boyfriend!"

"Right, Marco?! Plus I have a crush on someone!" Jean triumphantly says.

"Who? Levi?"

"NO! It's a female. A female. A female. . . ," he repeats.

"A man who had plastic surgery on his vital regions."

"No, I just---" Jean sighs. "Marco, help me."

"[NAME]! I GOT THE TOILET WORKING! GIVE ME YOUR OFFER!" Eren walks to me with a smirk.

"No, no. Please, no sex right now. Eren, we're talking right now," Jean whines.

"Jean, shut up. You ruined my mood with your horse shit in the toilet."

"Your lasagna, Eren," Jean reminds. Eren rushes to the oven to check and sighs in relief. "Hey, [Name], did you know Eren was going abroad to film an action movie?" My eyes widened and I turn to Eren who stares at me with wide eyes that read, 'holy crap'.

"Oh, wow. I knew that. I totally knew that," I give Jean a laugh.

". . .He didn't tell you, huh? Your laugh is so freaking creepy. Right, Marco?"

"N-No, it seems normal to me," Marco responds. I smile at Eren and he awkwardly takes out the lasagna.

"L-lasagna is ready!" Eren shouts, nervously.

"Jean, I gotta go and beat-- I mean eat some lasagna."

"Aight, fam. Have fun with sex on the table. Video tape everything for me," Jean snickers.

"Same with you, Jean. Enjoy Marco's asshole."

"I'm not ga--" I hang up and glare at Eren, tapping my right foot against the tile floor.


"Through lasagna?" He inquires nervously.

"Sure. Definitely. Totally."

Author's Note: Two updates? -standing on the Eiffel tower- I deserve an Oscar. Chibi's I love uou guys. Typos. Typos everywhere. Next time, three chapters shall be updated. Love you, Chibi's.

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