Summary [Sequel]

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It's been 5 months since you and Eren have been dating! Eren has been offered a request to film an action movie in England and a distant relationship occurs. But, suddenly Jean has been acting differently towards you. . .what's gotten into him?!

(Sequel will be written on here because it's a waste of time making another and putting links on here! Yeaaaaa! Plus, it's easier for you guys to go back through the story from the start. . .only if you feel like it lol)

Omg the sequel is here. I hope the sequel will be the bomb. Like omg. Omg. Omg. Omg. Okay, I promise more Levi in here. Lol okaaiiii. I'm gonna have lots of cliffhangers, because-because yea. . .lmao. It's always best to leave you guys hanging • w •
You guys love me. XD
Hopefully the sequel is like 10 chapters or less. :3 I plan to finish this story and then head to my Kirito or Natsu story. Teehee. XD

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