F i f t e e n

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I parked in front of his house and stare at it. His car is still there. . .and Jean's car is literally on his lawn. I rush out of the car and run to Eren's door. Just as I'm about to knock, I hear yelling.

"You don't understand!" It sounded like Eren's voice. . . .

"I don't really care! You're sacrificing yourself!" Jean, I assume argues.

". . . ."

"You're doing this for [Name], correct?"

". . . ."

"I'm right. Did Sayla threaten you or something?" Jean questions.

"No, Sayla has never done anything. Sayla doesn't agree with this either anyways."

"Who threatened you?"

". . .Karen."

"OH, THAT BITCH?!! What the hell?!"

Karen? Hajime's niece?! She's the one who forced Eren to drop out of Attack on Titan?!

". . .She said that if I didn't drop out then she'd kidnap [Name] and sell her at auctions or torture her. I couldn't let that happen."

"Do you. . .do you love. . .[Name]?!" Jean shouts, hopefully.

I back away from the door, my hands on my chest. ". . .I'm gonna get some air," Eren says. I panic and try to find somewhere to hide. The door knob jingles and I give up finding a hiding spot. The door opens and Eren's jaw drops. ". . .[Name]?"

I look up at him in the eye, pretending I didn't hear anything. "Eren, I need to speak to you."

"[Name], you're here!" Jean says behind Eren. "GOOD."

". . .There's nothing to talk about," Eren coldly replies. He walks past me and heads for his car. I grit my teeth and run after him, embracing him from behind.

"You can't leave the show like that!" I shout, squeezing him tightly. "You. . .can't leave. . . ," I whisper.

". . .I'm sorry. I have to," Eren responds.

"If you leave, it won't be Attack on Titan anymore!"

"It will still be Attack on Titan. Don't worry."

"Don't worry? As if! I sure as hell will worry about you!" I turn Eren around with all my might and finally manage to do so, holding his arms with a tight grip. "Look me in the eye and tell my why," I demand, gazing into his turquoise orbs. He looks away as if he were ashamed. Sure I know already why he's leaving, but I want to hear everything from his mouth. Everything.

"I won't tell you," he mutters.

"You can't expect someone else to take over your role! You can't disappoint your fans just because Karen had to threaten you!" I blurt.

". . .Y-You know?" Eren's eyes widened.

"Yea, I heard you guys through the door," I reply honestly.

"I can't let you get hurt," he whispers, finally gazing into my eyes. "I'll regret it." My heart began to pound in my chest as his turquoise orbs wavered.

"Eren. . . ."

His hands grabbed my wrists and pulled them away. "I have to go now."

"Eren, please! Let me help!" I cry out, clutching his sleeve. He looks over his shoulder and sadly looks at me.

"I have to leave. . . ," he says.

"Where are you going?!" Jean shouts behind us.

"Somewhere. You don't need to know, horseface." Eren forcefully yanks his hand away from mine and gets in his car.

"E-Eren!" I call his name, running up to his car as he starts the ignition. "Don't leave, Eren!" I back away when he begins to reverse and then he drives away.

"FREAKING JAEGER!" Jean shouts, kicking some dirt. I watch as his car disappears, my heart feeling heavy. "That damn bitch Karen. Once I see her I'm gonna choke slam her to the damn floor," Jean mutters.

Karen! That's right, Karen! I ball up my hands and make up my mind. I'm gonna find Karen and talk to her. First, I need to know where she is. Maybe Sayla knows where she is. . . .

I walk to my car and get in ignoring Jean's shouts. I need to find out why she's doing this, why is she forcing Eren not to do what he loves? I call Sayla and start the ignition.


". . .Sayla?"

"Oh, [Name]! What's up?"

"Do you know where Karen is?"

". . .Karen? Who's that?" Sayla asked in a shaky voice.

"Please, don't act innocent. I know what's going on. Can you please tell me where she is?" I plead, stopping at a red light.

". . .She's actually my manager and my cousin," Sayla timidly says.

". . .What?" I breathe out in surprise and accelerate the car.

"Karen is my manager and my cousin. She threatened Eren to drop out of the show because she was jealous of you. But, she had help. . . ," Sayla explains.

"Who helped her?" I demanded. I was furious now. All this for jealousy?

"Emma Hardeen. Eren's ex girlfriend."

Ex girlfriend. Emma Hardeen. The words echoed in my mind. Why would she do something so cruel with Karen? ". . .Do you know where Eren is going?"

"Paris, France."


"That's where Emma is at. I was forced to break up with Eren anyways."

"I thought you guys loved each other?"

"I'm actually glad I broke up with him."

". . .Why?" I ask, curious.

"Because I knew he was in love with you," Sayla softly responds.

"In love with me. . .? You must be joking," I laugh as I say this.

"No, seriously. He really is in love with you. He's only doing what he's doing now because he loves you," she says. My heart felt warm and began to flutter.

Eren. . . .

"He's at the airport right now, right? What time does his flight leave?" I ask, seriously.

"His flight leaves at 7:00 PM. Oh, you have 33 minutes!" Sayla says. I look at the time and groan. It takes 20 minutes to get to the airport! Ugh!

"Thank you, Sayla. I owe you big time!"

"No problem, [Name]. Good luck!"

"Thanks." I hang up and exhale deeply. "Time to drive wild."

I make a U turn and drive as quickly as I can. I'm coming Eren! Wait for me!

Author's Note: OOOOOHHHHHH!!!!! SOME TWISTS HERE. Really bad twists lol. XD Hereis another update for you chibi's. you guys deserve it ;)

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