Miss maid (Levi Ackerman X Reader)

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(Modern time)

"Do it again" Levi sternly demanded of you.

You were being ordered to clean your mess, you accidently dropped the vase he told you to carry up to his room.

"P-Please Levi I'm sorry...Just don't hurt me again..." You pleaded through your sobs.

Levi was a cleaning freak, he was holding you captive in his house refusing to let you go. You had originally came over for a tutor session then he started telling you to pick up things and purposely knocking over things and demanding you clean it up.

You had said no and he threw whatever was closest to him at you. Which just happened to be the broken glass.

Levi kneels down to your level and roughly grabs your chin lifting it up so your face to face with him.

"It's really a shame your so clumsy" He sighed to you slightly tilting your chin. You began to sob harder.

He roughly grabbed you by your wrist pulling you up and dragging you up stairs. You didn't try to fight back just continued to sob. He lead you to his bedroom where he threw you on the bed. You landed on his pillow and couldn't help but noticed it smelled just like him. But you quickly got up and started wiping your tears off.

Levi was in his closet shuffling through as if he was trying to find something. After a couple seconds of silence he pulls out a cardboard box. He opens it and pulls out a outfit. He turns to face you with a dark smirk on his face.

"This will do nicely" He grins at you. He lifts up the outfit to reveal it to be a Maid costume.

"I'm not wearing that!!" You protest.

"It wasn't a choice."

He then walks over towards your fragile body lying on the bed, you quickly try to get up and get ready to put up a fight.

"Let me go! Why are you doing this!" you cry, still trying to back away from him.

He get's closer to the bed and grabs your swinging arms pinning them down the the bed. He was not on top of you having one of his arms pinning both of your arms down.

"You would be perfect if you weren't so clumsy, but that's okay. We are going to fix that" He whispers in your ear and his head lower's down to your neck.

"Now are you going to get dressed yourself or do you want me to help you out?" He says to you with a dark chuckle.

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