Unforgettable (Kenma X Reader)

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(Modern time)

(Trigger warnings: Suicide. This chapter will be sensitive for the people who deal with depression or suicidal thoughts. If you are one of them please click off this chapter)

"Y/N? Isn't this fun?" Kenma purred at you.

You sat in his lap as he held onto you protectively. Anytime you tried to move his grip became tighter. You eventually gave up and fell numb to his touch.

"S/N (Sons Name) is upstairs asleep which means I have you to myself no distractions~" He said as he pulled you closer leaning his lips in stopping when he heard a faint cry. He looked up at you face an saw tears streaming down your face.

"I-I can't do this anymore..." You cried softly.

"Y/N? Your still talking like that?" Kenma tightened his grip on you. Over the time you spent with him. His obsession with you, everything you lost including your social life, all because of him. And you were supposed to spend the rest of your life with him? You couldn't take it. You became suicidal, and it only got worse and worse as time went on. At first he never really noticed it until he caught you trying to take your own life in the bathroom when you found out you were pregnant. He never let you out of his sight since then.

He knew you needed help, help he couldn't give you yet he wanted to try. He tried talking to you, comforting you, relaxing you. But in the end you felt the same.

He thought he broke you.

It was all his fault.

He became desperate.

He did what any desperate man would do, try to negotiate, plead with you. And it worked, You both agreed that he had a full year to make you fall in love with him if you don't he will set you free and get out of your life.

But then it got you thinking...What if he does let you go? You have nothing. He killed everyone you knew and loved. It made you feel empty inside knowing there was no hope. So you decided to play along and when that year came to an end you would kill yourself and be free.

"I meant I just can't stay up late again with you.." You whine.

"Come on it will be fun, I'll do that thing you love when I-" Then S/N starts to let out cries and screams. Kenma scoffs and gently places you down and goes upstairs to check on him. You let out a relief as you lay back and relax.

And so a year passed and it is now the day you can be set free.

Yet it seems someone has forgotten.

You flutter open your eyes to be met with the warm morning gleam. You turn to face your husband Kenma and his peaceful sleeping form looking rather cute.

You sigh and get up remembering that today was the day. Looking back at all the memories you made with Kenma. You were going to be honest you grew to love him just a little bit. Then your thoughts drifted over to your son. How you would be leaving him. You thought about that a lot yet you knew you had too, and you knew one day he would understand why.

You slowly get up letting out a soft yawn waking Kenma up next to you. He sat up with a soft smile.

"Morning Y/N, How'd you sleep?" He asked while grabbing your waist and pulling you back in bed close to him. He leaned down and gave you kisses on your cheek making you giggle. You loved these little moments of love he would give you. It made him seem like a normal loving husband. Yet you always remembered what he has done to you.

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