Snap(Kurogiri X Reader)

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"Y/N, Please eat some food...You haven't eaten in days-" Kurogiri tries to negotiate with you.

"I'm not eating your disgusting food that you probably poisoned!! Especially not when you've kidnapped me!!" You shout back at him. He simply sighs and walks out the room.

Being kidnapped from his wasn't that bad actually, you had a decent sized room to your liking and he didn't try anything on you. You weren't going to lie to yourself you were pretty hungry and his food actually looked pretty good. But you were on a strike, you weren't going to eat anything until he lets you go.

The next day: Morning

"Good morning Y/N." Kurogiri wakes you up lightly shaking you with a plate of food in his hand.

"Don't you know how to knock creep..." you mumble. You lazily sit up and glare at him. He places the plate of food on the side table next to your bed. It was pancakes, bacon, eggs, and sausage.

Staring at the food in awe desperately trying to stop your temptation of eating it you looked away.

"You should eat it before it gets cold" He says to you, it had a hint of warning to it.

"Do you not remember what I said? I'm not eating anything until you let me go! I'd rather starve to death!" You scream at him, you grab the plate and throw it across the room. You look back at Kurogiri to shout at him some more but your blood ran cold when you saw he had activated his fog quirk.

"I'm done with your bratty attitude." He growls at you. Intrigued at his new attitude towards you.

"Just please eat your food." He says to you but it felt more like a threat.

"Or what?" You taunt him. He growls under his breath his hand makes tightly grips into a fist. He looks into your eyes.

"Eat. Your. Food. Please." This time his voice has turned into a chilling tone.

"I already said no-"

He quickly grabs a handful of your hair pulling you foreword towards his face.

"Ow! Let me go! Let me go!" You whine.

"I didn't want to have to hurt you...but your pushing it Y/N" He says while still tightly grabbing your hair.

"You bring the worst out of me, yet you still make me feel so warm inside..." He softly says to you.

You continue to whine in pain, you can feel your hot tears stream down your face. He leans over towards the thrown food on the floor as he pulls on your hair from the other side and picks up a piece of bacon and shoves it in your face.

"Now eat, please."

Yandere boys One-shots and ScenariosOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora