Mine forever (Levi Ackerman X Reader) READER SPECIAL

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It was weird being the girlfriend of Levi Ackerman. At first it was pure love, He was only nice to you. He was the sweetest to you. Going out of his way to make you feel special. But that stopped when he got his new job and you started hanging out more and more with Eren Jeager.

Today you were over at his house, you decided you wanted to spend some quality time together with him since it seems rare that you guys can, and this was on of his days off. Although he didn't seem to even acknowledge your existence...

"Oh! Levi what you reading?" You humbly ask leaning over on the sofa he was resting on.

As usual you got no response.

"You hungry? I could make us some lunch or maybe you want to order something-"

"I don't care." He huffed at you and moved seats. You frowned. You got up into the kitchen to get some drinks for him and yourself.

Walking back into the living room, Levi makes eye contact with you.

"I don't remember asking for a drink." He glares at the two cups you had in your hands.

"Oh...I know but I thought you could relax-"

"I never said I wanted anything! Could you be anymore of a pain in the ass?" He shouts at you, shocked from this your drop the cups and the splatter covering the floor with glass.

Levi looked like he was about to kill you.

"What happened to you? You used to be so sweet to me? Why did you change? Did I do something!?" You scream at him.

"Will you shut the hell up. You're always a hassle to be around, If it weren't for you I'd be getting way more work done?"

"Are you serious? You act like I'm not even here! It like you don't love me anymore!" You felt hot tears form in your eyes making your vision watery.

There was silence, just the two of you avoiding eye contact, you glance up at him to read his expression hoping it would look apologetic but instead it looked as if he was thinking.

"You don't know anything; you can be really ignorant sometimes. Saying I don't love you anymore yet you're always running off with Eren Jeager." His face was stern, looking you dead in the eyes.

"What? Eren is just a friend, and you know that! There has never been anything between me and him!" You cry.

There was silence again.

"Maybe..." You took a breath. "Maybe we should break up." You looked down at the floor not wanting to see his face.


"I said we should break up" this time with much more confidence. You looked him right in the eyes.

He looked shocked for a quick second then it turned to straight fury.

"Break up with me?" He chuckles under his breath then stares you down. "You're not breaking up with me." He has a sinning grin on his face, yet his eyes look furious.

You said nothing else and just walked out his house. You took your things and went home. The moment you hit your bed, you cried and couldn't stop. That was until you got a certain text.

-eren jEaGeR!!!!-

Hey u ok?


I'm fine why?

- eren jEaGeR!!!!-

Just checking up on you


Thx 😊

- eren jEaGeR!!!!-

Wanna meet up tmr at our café?


Sure...I could use a Latte!

You smiled at your phone and placed it down on your side table. Eren always knows when your sad and how to cheer you up. Maybe Levi was right. Maybe you did like it.

It was the next day you had gotten ready for your day out with Eren. You dressed up nicely to hide the pain you were in pain. Once you got to the café you sat in the usual booth and waited for Eren to come.

10 minutes passed.

Then 20 minutes.

Then 40 minutes passed.

And soon an hour. You had been texting him and spam calling him, but you got no answer. You were starting to get tired. You texted Eren you were going home. Disappointed at today you walked home.

Once you walked in your house you felt a hand grab you while another held a cloth to your mouth and nose forcing you to breath in. Everything turned black in your vision.

You awaken in a chair, blindfolded you relied on your touch. You couldn't move your arms since they were restrained, after a couple minutes of struggling to get out you hear the creak of a door, then you hear approaching footsteps.

"Who are you!? Let me go or else I'll-"You were stopped by something getting stuffed in your mouth.

"You better get used to that" You hear the voice of your ex Levi speak. It seemed he put some sort of gag in your mouth to prevent you from talking.

"I know your probably wondering why I kidnapped you, but I know your smart enough to figure out why." He says to you, you feel a hand lift your chin up. "I told you you're not breaking up with me." He digs his nails into your skin causing you to wince in pain.

"Honestly your lucky I got to you before your little Eren friend did, Did you know he was obsessed with you?" You felt your blindfold be snatched off, Levi was standing in front of you. You noticed he was holding Eren's phone in his hand.

"Take a look at this" He shoved the phone in your face and what you saw wanted to make you cry. You saw pictures of you naked, in your underwear. What creeped you out the most was of how many he had. How did he eve take these. Thoughts ran in your head.

Did he really take those pictures?

How long has he been like this?

How long has he been watching you?

Then your thought about last night when you were crying and you got that random text from him....

-eren jEaGeR!!!!-

Hey u ok?

No it couldn't be...

How did he know you were crying?

Was he watching you then?

You were quickly snatched form your thoughts as Levi spoke to you.

"But you don't have to worry about that nasty pervert anymore I got rid of him for good. I know it was him stopping us from being together. He was playing mind tricks on you but not anymore.

You felt tears fill your eyes up, you were scared why did it have to be you in this situation.

"Why the hell are you crying? This is what you wanted right for me to love you better? Well now I will forever...because finally..."

"Your all mine."

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