Tough Love (Kai Chisaki X Reader)

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It has been weeks since you seen the outside world. Kai has been holding you captive but he has yet to tell you why. He has beaten and tortured you for many days after all your attempts to escape from him but he has caught you every time.

He had just got done giving you a really bad beating leaving you all bloody and a mess. You sobbed silently in the corner that he left you in. He had left the bedroom for an hour or so.

You were still in the same spot. The door flung open as Kai walked over towards you. He stood over you just staring at you.

"Your filthy, you need a shower." He coldly says to you. Wincing in pain as he pick you up and placed you over his shoulder. You were way to tired to even make an attempt to fight back. He walked you over to the bathroom and he placed you down in the tub. He began to mess with your clothes in an attempt to get them off.

"I can do it myself..." You said weakly. You looked up expecting him to hit you for talking without his permission, but instead his face showed a hint of sadness.

"Hurry up, Don't keep me waiting" He said to you staring right into your soul. He said it with a hint of softness to his voice. Almost as if he didn't want you to be scared. Once he left you started you bath being sure to carefully move around while you cleaned yourself.

You wrapped yourself in a towel only just now noticing you had no clothes to put on. You limp over towards the bathroom exit and leave the bathroom. You see Kai sitting on the edge of the bed with his head down. He hasn't noticed you until you made a creak noise on the floor. He looks over your way.

"U-Um I need clothes..." You say to him trying not to give him eye-contact while you were in only a towel. Suddenly he stands up and walks over to you grabbing your wrist and arms as if observing it. He sighs.

Next thing you know your on his bed (Yes still in a towel-) He had gotten in next to you. You tried to get up but he pushed you back down. You tried to ask what ha was doing but he simply told you to be quiet. He spooned you so that your back was to his chest with his arm over your chest and stomach as he tightly held onto you.

"K-Kai what are yo-"

"Shh, just stay like this and be quiet" He says in a tired raspy voice.

You could hear him sniffing you and nuzzling your neck.

"I'm sorry~" He mumbles very quietly it was almost inaudible.


"I'm not repeating myself" He warns you. You gave up on it and decided to close your eyes.

"I said I'm sorry..." He says more clearly with a hint of annoyance.

"I'm sorry for everything, everything I did to you...but at the same time I'm not..."

You tense up.

"When I see that look of fear it just gets me going~" He was now whispering in your ear.

"I finally realize...."

"I've gotten addicted to you~" He squeezes his hold on you.

"I know you hate me...but one day you might just..."

"You might just love me back"

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