Playtime (Deidara X Reader)

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(Modern time)

You felt safe with your friends, although it wasn't the smartest choice you felt like it was the right one. You had just escaped from your crazed captor Deidara. He had kidnapped you and was saying all sorts or weird things like 'It would be better if you just loved me back' or 'We were meant for each other' He even hit you when he lost his temper. You had bruises hidden underneath your clothes.

Once you had escaped you knew ran over to your friends house but just your luck they were having a mid-night party-

"Y/N! I'm so glad you could make it!! Wait where have you been during school? That doesn't matter we were just getting ready to play spin the bottle~

"That's cool but I need hel-"

"20 minutes in heaven addition!!" They said as they pushed you into a room with other people sitting in a circle. You sat down next to your friend.

"Where is he??" (F/N) "Friends name" whine.

"Yeah!!" Someone else whined.

"I'm right here" Said someone from the door. You turned around having recognized, locking eyes with you captor Deidara as he stared you down moving closer to you not breaking eye contact.

"Yay! Now that everyone is here let's begin!" (F/N) cheered along with a few other people. Deidara sat across from you while is stare was burning into your soul.

(F/N) explained the rules and then spinned the bottle only to have it land directly on you.


You could see Deidara smirking at you still eying you like prey. You gulped praying that the bottle landed on anyone but him.

"Oooo Y/N~" Your other friend purred giving you the eyebrows.

(F/N) spinned the bottle.....and it landed on.....

This random dude? He looked surprised and his face turned a light shade of pink as he turned to look at you shyly.

"Go on you two~ Into the closet~" (F/N) chanted while others joined them.

You turned to look at Deidara who was giving you the most deadliest glare "Don't do it"

You ignored him trying to taunt him and slowly got up headed towards the closet. Deidara changed his glare to the poor man that was chosen to go in the closet with you, giving him a deep glare that made him yelp.

"I-I- c-can I trade places with Deidara-"

Everyone looked at the scared boy confused.

"Trade with who?" Someone asked.

He pointed at Deidara and your heart dropped.

"No! Not with him! Pick someone else!" You yelled.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk~ Y/N don't be rude" (F/N) shamed you and they grabbed Deidara and your arm shoving you.

"No!" You protest trying to escape your friends grasp. But they shoved you in the closet.

"Is 20 minutes enough for you two~" (F/N) giggled.

"(F/N) you don't understand he kid-"

"20 minutes is more than enough time~" Deidara purred in your ear from behind you as he slammed the door shut.

There was silence, he just stared at you with a slight smirk on his face. Minutes passed on of him just staring you down, his eyes looked deadly with a glare yet his lips were curled into a smirk.

"Deidara I-" You were cut off as he pinned you against the wall holding your arms tightly.

"Shut up" was all he said before he smashed his lips into yours kissing you passionately, his tongue made its way into your mouth. You grew angry and took your chances with him biting his tongue hard causing his to growl in pain letting you go.

His hand was over his mouth as he looked up at you glaring.

"What the hell, you bitch!" He growled at you.

"L-leave me alone! Just let me go you ass-"

The slap echoed through the closet, it was so loud you were sure somebody outside the closet would've heard. Your hand cupped your cheek feeling the sting. Deidara grabs a hold of your neck with one hand and squeezes it until you are gasping for air.

"D-Deidara......" you struggled for air. You felt yourself about to pass out as you slowly closed your eyes, then he let go. You drop to the floor coughing for air while getting up on your knees to show you weren't giving up. You looked up at him, giving him a scold glare.

"You look good in that position~" He taunted you. Before you could say anything his hand grabbed a handful of your hair pulling you up as he leaned down lower so your face was inches away from his.

"We will finish your punishment when we get home..." You could feel his breath on your neck.

"But right now let's have some fun"

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