Family (Shoto Torodoki x Reader)

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Warning: Slight Lime/Lemon

"Y/N. Why do you keep running away?" Shoto blankly asked you.

It has been months since you seen another face other than his.

Shoto loved you. He loved you so much. He let you roam around the house while he went for some groceries. Yet he once again caught you trying to escape.

"Y/N. I have to tell you something." Shoto stepped up to you.

"G-get away!" You screamed at him, "I hate you, I hate you!"

He activated his fire quirk.

"Really Y/N? Are we doing this again?" He looked down at your figure.

"N-No! Don't hurt me again!" You begged.

"Then listen to me." He warned. Deactivating his quirk he came up to you and sat you down in his lap. You were shaking in fear.

"Y/N, Stop moving so much" He whispered in your ear.

"Y/N, you remember how you were throwing up so much?" He asked softly

You nod slowly. You had been throwing up a lot recently .

"And you remember what we did a couple weeks ago on our honeymoon~" He nibbles on your ear.

Flashing back to the moment.


"S-Shoto...." You breathed out between the kisses he was giving you. You wrapped your arms around his neck. He moved his head down biting at your neck making sure to leave marks on your skin. He started to go lower down to your collar bones kissing them gently.

"Tonight I make you officially mine..."

He finally removed himself from the kiss leaving a small line of saliva connecting you two.

He leans up, as he unbuckles his pants.

You weren't going to lie, you didn't really love Shoto but he was so damn hot. You needed to feel some pleasure after so long.

He began to play with the rem of your panties moving his hands in a motion on your flower. Letting out soft moans that you can't help. You let him pleasure you.

"What's this I hear? A moan? Y/N your so lewd" He purred in your ear. He went back down kissing on your chest (Idk why but I feel weird saying breasts OK?) softly playing with them.

You were getting really wet and hungry for him and you knew he saw it in your eyes. His hand moved down to his member and began stroking it before looking down your flower then back into your eyes.

"You ready...?" He asks soothingly.

"Yes..." You nod not dropping the gaze.

"Okay this might hurt..." He pushed himself inside you making you wince in pain-


"I remember..." Making you blush at the sudden memory.

"When I took you to the doctor to get a checkup I also had them do aa pregnancy test on you. That's also why they needed your pee." He held onto your waist tighter. "And it came back positive~"

You froze, almost forgetting how to breathe.

"You mean...I'm pregnant?" You asked in fear.

"Yes which also means you can't leave me now. You now have a reason to stay. And if you do try and leave me then be ready to face the punishments."

You began to cry softly and you felt his grip on you tighten.

"Shhh...Y/N don't cry..." He rubbed your head softly.

"This is a good thing, We will be a happy family...together forever"

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