Playful kitten (Satoru Gojo X Reader)

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(Quick note: this is one of the characters I haven't seen and I just googled his personality) 

(Modern time)

You were smart, but not smarter than him. You had managed to escape from Satoru and his torture house and you were currently walking through the city in the middle of the night trying to find any sort of help. It was getting really cold so you decided to camp inside an abandoned building. You had bruises and burn marks all over you, your body was starting to ache to the point it hurt to walk. 

You walked inside and found a comfy looking spot on some cardboard. You took of your light jacket and placed it down for some sort of heat provider. You drifted off to sleep.

You awaken to a weird warmth around your body. You jump up to realize you were no longer outside but in a bed...his bed. 

"Good morning Kitten~ Did you enjoy your little adventure?" Satoru said to you while sitting on the edge of the bed next to you.

"H-How am I back here..." You mumble.

"Oh come on, Did you really think you escaped me? This was just a simple game of hide and seek~" He gets more on the bed and crawls towards your shaking figure. His hands roam your thighs, as his face gets closer to yours before whispering in your ear...

"And it looks like I won~"  He then pushes you down and  forcefully kisses you, biting your lip in the process causing it to bleed. You whimper in pain.

You notice his arm is unbuttoning his shirt and tossing it aside while still intoxicating your mouth. His other hand is still down your thigh groping it getting closer and closer to your little flower.

"I found you~ Now time to pay the penalty." 

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